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8 lat temu


Wilfredo Leon huge block 12 lat temu 0
good for poland nagor :)
yes, this guy is really amazing, like Ricarinho, so many amazing sets in one match , onlt Luciano cand do this , he is now in top three world best setters jankess, techincal videos are avaiable now? so early?
Berutto started shouting on Priddy - not conversely, Giovi evidently bloced Americans pearl, Nagor only sys what he think sometimes too aggressively- true, but Italians behaviour is well know in volleyball world, Italian teams, NT too always argue with judges, always try to judge by themslef and very, very often they dont have right, Polish comentators call this often italian theater, ot italians actors
Nikolay Apalikov headshot 12 lat temu +2
volleymaster, Hoff retired few years, after Olimpics I think MB at the net is Holmes, I think too Dacid Lee was hitted, but he defended this ball :D
yes... please dont try to do facebook..
Murilo touched the net, net stared shaking after bal miss top band
Berny, how is it possible you dont know this player? legedn of russian NT
revan, Camejo is injured ?
there was block so that why 3rd meter
there is sth about 350 :D stomach over the net
haha, czilikd, nie moge z ciebie, czy ja pisałem o Wlazłym, powtarzam, przeczytaj ze zrozumieniem ...
there should be single topic about Kaziyski of course, casue under every movie Bulgarians are talking about him, compareing everything too kaziysji and of course the say kaziysji cuild do better.. or in this case Todorov...
qsek, przeczytaj uwaznie, mi chodizło o tego kto najwyżej skacze a nie kto ma niajwiększy zasięg
stop adding single attack of Nowakowski, wait to the end of tournament and make movie about his 3rd meter spike, they are manyy :D
Nagor, świetny filmik ? dziwne ze publikują takie rzeczy w sumie, Drzyzga klnie, fajnie sie teo ogląda i fajnie sie tego słucha ogólnie ? "Petkovic I love you, cała sala wiedziałą że to zagrasz " hahah ;d Drzyzga zyskał w moich oczach jeszcze większy szacunek ?

"dobry zakup skry, ja bym dopłącił jeszcze " polecam oglądanie ekspertów poza anteną, na prawde widac co myslą, oby Pan drzya kłopotów jakies nie miał bo znowu sie źle o Skrze wypowiada i Pan Piechocki moze sie obrazić. ?
Russia - China 12 lat temu 0
russian new shirst are so ugly, prevous were lot better ;d
the best jumper in Cuban team now is Henry Bell, reach over 350 with high 188 :) czilikd , Kurek-206, Musersky 218, Visotto 212
first dig is amazing :D level is impresive, Polish third leuage is much worse
Fei is MB, it suprised me o lot, Berutto want to make team like in 2004 probably. left handed spiker and Fei as MB

if you dont know who was MVP of the match, MVP is a setter ?
but Nowakowski was today teh best

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