Sllaveq 790
2011-11-04 • 3480 visualizações • 12 replies
Tomorrow I will start video about Michailov, but I need matches.
I haven't watched many matches of his so can you tell me in which he has a lot of points? And where to download it from..
(the music will be a surprise for the russians :)))
Thanks in advance :) Help me
proud 722 9
12 anos atrás
Не помня някой да е използвал материал за Максим от мача им срещу нас на Олимпиадата,а ако си спомням правилно,той беше най-резултатен за Русия,така че може и да намериш нещо интересно там :) Мисля,че мача го има в А иначе,ето няколко по-скорошни - , , , и ,които със сигурност не са ползвани досега :) Нямам търпение да го направиш,напоследък си яко вдъхновена :D
Nagor 1445 14
12 anos atrás
+1 - infinity matches of Russia ?
NightFox 1457 14
12 anos atrás
"I'm starting video, but I don't have matches" :rofl: ? ?

Just kidding ?
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 anos atrás
Nighfox, I first start making videos in my head! Yeah! ?
Proud, мерси, почвам да дърпам!
NightFox 1457 14
12 anos atrás
Yeah me too ?
hamid_0717 27 3
12 anos atrás
plz speak just En here

i couldn't understand some words .... whats"почвам да дърпам!" ???
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 anos atrás
@Hamid that means, I'm starting to download...
proud 722 9
12 anos atrás
@hamid_0717,you don't understand Bulgarian?Your profile says your hometown is Sofia.
raylight 3006 15
12 anos atrás
But his flag is American. Why can't American in Bulgaria be a supporter of our NT? I think that is great!
proud 722 9
12 anos atrás
@raylight,yeah,that would be great,it just didn't add up for me.Shouldn't your hometown be the place where you were born?And how were you born in Sofia and don't understand Bulgarian?I didn't mean to attack him,I was just curious ?
hamid_0717 27 3
12 anos atrás
oh , come on guys
i'm from US but i live in bulgaria.i love bulgaria too much and love their volleyball nT.
to be honest i love bulgaria more than US
raylight 3006 15
12 anos atrás
Thank you hamid ?
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