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Kk15, who will be titoulars receivers in Treviso??

E: Belluno ?
M.Roma Volley.
Kk15, but if Paparoni would be libero, I have no idea, who will play as outside hitter. Horstink and...?
Paparoni goes to Treviso as libero or he will be winger?
Politechnika (as far as i know Warsaw was 5th or 6th, or not??) - Padova

Setter: Steuerwald = Gonzalez
Oposto: Szymański (or for example Gromadowski) < Simeonov
Outside Hitter: Jakopin = Rosso
Outside Hitter: ? < Kubiak (I don't know what I should write)
Middle Blocker: Kreek < Semenzato
Middle Blocker: Nowak > ?
Libero: Wojtaszek = Garghella

What do you think about that? Padova for sure isn't weaker than Politehnika...
I'm wrong. Maybe you'll write, why? ?
Poot team like Padova. Padova would be at least 5 team in Poland. At least...
No, Padova in next season will play in A1, Peter ?
IL RITORNO - Il direttore sportivo Stefano Santuz si dice contento per il ritorno di un giocatore di questo calibro e al tempo stesso fa il punto della situazione relativo al mercato. «Conosciamo Vincenzo – spiega Santuz – e pensiamo che potrà essere un giocatore molto importante per la nostra squadra. Della rosa farà parte anche Michal Kubiak, al ritorno dalla sua positiva avventura in Polonia. In questi giorni stiamo definendo gli ultimi movimenti e siamo alla ricerca di un centrale».

It's probably not speculation. Director of Padova confirmed.
Kubiak Politechnika Warszawa -> Padova
Ventceslav Simeonov Vibo Valentia -> Padova
Simeonov for sure go out, Valentia has two opposites - Klapwijk and Araujo.
Kral as titoular or maybe Holt will stay in Piacenza? Kral is very solid player, but Holt is a lot more talented...
And Diachkov in Modena - I'm a bit disapointed ?
What do you think - Holt will stay in Piacenza if Todorov goes to Trento?
Akolita, you mean that Birarelli will be half of the time on court, right?

As I know, he wouldn't be changed by foreigner. Italian in Trentino first squad - Juantorena, Bari, and Birarelli, you know...
Kk15 I think Stoychev will rotate the MB's but who really knows ?

If they on MB have Todorov - Tzourits - Birarelli, Birarelli will be supposed to be all the time on the court - limite ?
Thank you! ;-)

Hein? Who is he? If Hein goes to Roma, Bjelica will go to Turkey (Fenerbahce), yes?
Kk15, Casamodena - can you translate for us ? ?
Like for me interesting info about Dennis:
Dennis in Valentia?
Sala Trento -> Modena

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