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University of Physical Education in Poznan
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Artur Augustyn (2nd movie) 13 anos atrás 0
gdzie Wnuk jak jest już tam 4 środkowych:) Kaczmarek i Augustyn raczej w podstawie;) zobaczcie zresztą jak Kaczmarek wbija kołki w filmiku o Resovii z CC, który zrobiłem:D
Artur Augustyn (2nd movie) 13 anos atrás 0
chrison dopisz, ze od nastepnego sezonu bedzie gral w Gdańsku.
Bartosz Kurek (4th movie) 13 anos atrás 0
ciekawy filmik - 5. tylko ta muzyka już chyba była;) ale mimo wszystko pasuje pod Kurka:) great:P
"I have officially signed with İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (IBB) for the 2011-2012 season. I'm very excited to get back to Turkey to compete for another championship. Will be nice to see a lot of my Turkish friends as well"

so wrote yesterday on the Facebook - Billings Brook?
jak dobrze wiecie jestesmy na facebooku - (można dodać do ulubionych nas?
Korea - Cuba 3:0 ?
wg mnie realizacja powtórek była najlepsza (w kolejności od najlepszej hali) w: 1. Warszawa (Ursynów) 2. Częstochowa 3. Olsztyn 4. Rzeszów 5. Warszawa (Torwar) 6. Kędzierzyn 7. Bydgoszcz/ Wieluń 8. Kielce/ Jastrzębie 10. Bełchatów (nie wiem jak to było tam)
nic szczegolnego...
Artur Augustyn (2nd movie) 13 anos atrás 0
znajomości. - kontakty.
Artur Augustyn (2nd movie) 13 anos atrás 0
I wonder if in the end will go to a Polish club, because of what you see is potencial ...
bardzo dobre video;)
Michał Kubiak 13 anos atrás -2
ale czemu w tle słyszę głos komentatorów?;p
"At 0.48-0.50 does the song say Trentiono club?" yes;D
AZS Częstochowa 2010/11 13 anos atrás -1
colleague, now you behave like a woman, (
AZS Częstochowa 2010/11 13 anos atrás 0
raylight Are you feeling okay?
Matey Kaziyski (5th movie) 13 anos atrás 0
colleagues, it is not my opinion but many other users:) This kind of music I listen to it does not count. filmiku because the music that makes it somehow fits ... and not, as here, with the movie does not fit everyone; / respects you for the work but after working on the music See what we have music at our filmikach roninho and then see what fits ...
Matey Kaziyski (5th movie) 13 anos atrás +1
I agree with robinho, why do so many movies, since virtually no music does not fit?
Polsat Sport.

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