Some kinda bug preventing the ability to add some matches

9 meses atrás

If we change the Tournament Type to “Club” we can add Club v Club matches

If we change the Tournament Type to “NT” we can add NT v NT matches

If we change the Tournament Type to “Club and NT” we can't add any matches


Nguyen HuyVN 5
9 meses atrás

I can't add athletes to team Vietnam? And also the matches. So sad ?

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

@VănTàiNguyễn  didn't you just add the roster for Vietnam VC?

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

@VănTàiNguyễn  oh wait … Now there is two sets of 6 teams on the Teams page . I've never seen that happen before LOL

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

weird, I can't comment here now . Okay now I can. The 2nd set of teams is gone. Try adding Viet 1 members now

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

@VănTàiNguyễn It appears to be working now for adding matches !!! 

Nguyen HuyVN 5
9 meses atrás

@sitenoise  weird, I still can't add players for the national team (Australia, Viet 1), but I can add staff.. The difficulty when NT vs Club?

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

@VănTàiNguyễn  hmm …  me neither.  it's usually the other way around. Staffs are auto-populated but you can add and remove players per tournament. 

Now that I think about it, it should be that we can't add/remove players to the Club teams. They are populated from their team pages. Let me try changing the tournament to NT and see if we can add players to NNT teams

sitenoiseUS 334
9 meses atrás

That worked. Have at it