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I’m fan of Fenerbahçe Opet and Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Gamova Mukasey

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@nikolajnikolaj ı guess as a oh. 

@breakingice he really said it, before the Boskovic’s new contract. eczaci signed her early bcuz of Terzic. Same for Zehra, vakıf signed with Zehra quickly bcuz of Terzic.. He announced the names then the other clubs signed with their players. And then he signed with popovic(his national teams’s playler)  and lazareva. (Same management company) 

@lechon21 no she won’r. She rejected us. Sorry ;( actually She rejected us because of Terzic, Terzic said “ my first choice is Boskovic” then She didn’t like to be 2nd choice and then she rejected Fenerbahçe 

@byruss u wrote my all feelings. 

@byruss ı agree, Maja is not a only captain of team she works just like a head coach. Terzic is head coach only in contract. 

@byruss mihajlovic,busa and terzic… They are my nightmare while ı’m awake. Next year Lazareva is gonna join this nightmare. She plays with %38 in nonblock Korea leauge. She is not enough for Fenerbahçe. 

@byruss EXACTLY!! He is successful only in his national team. All he cares is his national team. As a club coach he is so bad. he is here for 3 and no cup. Fenerbahçe made a new contract for 3 more years. Mental breakdown. 

@Ties she is good enough but cuz of terzic she doesn’t want 

@byruss yes we need a Turkish middle. but Turkish or forgein players don’t wanna be in the same team with Terzic… He brings players from his management or national team(Ana,Mihajlovi,Busa, Lazareva(from sb community) we don’t want Terzic. 

@byruss she is not enough for Turkish leauge. Vakıf has Haak, Eczacı has Boskovic. Fenerbahç Lazareva. We cannot win derby match with her 

@york11 yes ı watched her. She plays %38 in nonblock korea leauge. She cannot survive in Turkish leauge. very tall blocks,perfect defance. She is not enouht to play for Fenerbahçe. we’re not looking for a opposite like that. She‘ll came to Fenerbahçe cuz of Terzic! We don’t want him either

@Ties Mina Popovic will be our 2nd middle ı guess

Lazareva? what? I hope it is a TERRİBLE JOKE. 

@PierreFoucault oh thanks for answer, it’s terrible thing :/ 

What is going on in korean national team and pink spiders? 

@VolleyTurco Vargas’ın adı Monza ile anılıyor 

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