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Long rally (Russia - Italy) 12 лет тому назад 0
i should remember this link when someone ask me why I love VB
All Volleyball Websites (Part 2) 12 лет тому назад 0
Brazilians got advantage cause their history in NT, they got a good team (or god team sometimes ?)
and they always get qualified

there's a lot of good player that don't have any title cause they play in a minor NT (ex: Granvorka... do u ever seen France in a final match?) or they didn't play in a NT (a lot of cubans)
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +1
yeah, but u should look the others mate, Dante was playing whit Giani and Pippi, the poor Murilo played whit Diaz, Meszaros and Rinaldi ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +1
uhmm..... u want me dead?
number of serve, ace, errors, attac +/+, attack +/-, attack -/-,ecc
that's a crazy work =P

just a sec ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад 0

How many matches per year Matey is playing and how many the Brazilians, Russians or Polish guys?

Itas DIatec Trentino got 21 match on October and on December'll play 9 games (2,8,11,14,18,22,26,29)
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +1
anyway there's some error in this discussion:

1. I can say the opposite: "whit Matey, Leon and Kurek, those brazilian would be the fourth choice cause of worse attack"

2. I can say the same: "whit Winiarski, Juantoregna, Vujevic and Zaytsev both brazilians and Matey would be fourth choice because of bad reception and block."

3. How compare them in different league? How many top team there are in brazil? Because your reception and block is relative by opponents serve and attak skills...
in the Italian league:
dante 0.25 block/set
giba 0.28
murilo 0.42
matey 0.30

dante 53%
giba 44%
murilo 43%
matey 36%

but u must count attack and serve

dante 40%
giba 40%
murilo 42%
matey 48%

dante -0.12 efficency
giba -0.16
murilo -0.15
matey -0.05
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад 0

How many players were successful in their national teams and club teams at the same time?

only the NT who have at least 6 champions and 3 greater champions

Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
@Pearl: durante la WC Trento ha fatto un triangolare con Belluno e Verona, una partita a Innsbruck e l'ultima questa con Piacenza in casa, dove Djuric ha giocato opposto e Sokolov in banda
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
2/12/2011- PalaTrento
Poland's statistics after World Cup 2011 12 лет тому назад 0
@wilfredo: still missing some info.. like efficency in breakpoint ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +2
mabye whit Giba, Murilo and Dante Matey would be fourth choice because he don't have a fast game as all that brazilian whit fast setter as Bruno or Ricardo, but it doesn't mean they are better
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад 0
Firendly match
Itas Diatec Trentino-Copra Elior Piacenza 3-2

(31-29, 25-20, 20-25, 25-27, 15-12)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Raphael 1, Lanza 16, Brinkman 9, Sokolov 19, Kaziyski 7, Djuric 19, Colaci (L); Della Lunga, Stokr 15. N.e. Juantorena e Burgsthaler. All. Radostin Stoytchev.

COPRA ELIOR: Kral 12, Nikolov 30, Massari 12, Tencati 15, Zhekov 15, Papi 14, Marra (L); Sidibè, Penchev 1, Ammerman. N.e. Marretta. All. Angelo Lorenzetti.

ARBITRI: Pozzato di Bolzano e Florian di Altivole (Treviso).

DURATA SET: 31’, 24’, 22’, 29’, 16’; tot 2h e 2’.

NOTE: 1.000 spettatori circa. Itas Diatec Trentino: 14 muri, 2 ace, 17 errori in battuta, 7 errori azione, 51% in attacco, 59% (27%) in ricezione. Copra Elior: 12 muri, 5 ace, 17 errori in battuta, 11 errori azione, 50% in attacco, 74% (40%) in ricezione.

World Cup 2011 Highlights 12 лет тому назад +2
great movie, wonderful actions
Poland in World Cup 2011 12 лет тому назад +1
nice video
Poland's statistics after World Cup 2011 12 лет тому назад +2
canu do the same post for all the teams? ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +3
every team need a 2 wing... 1 receiver and 1 spiker, Matey is a great spiker, but not all the receivers can be the "best matey's mate"

team alchemy win against simple player... that's why i prefer kaziyski-winiarski to kaziyski-juantoregna tought osamy got some better skills then michael
Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13 12 лет тому назад +1
happy can't describe my feeling now ?
Best players of World Cup 2011 12 лет тому назад 0
savani best server? O_O

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