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William Priddy (4th movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
Come on... His jump at ~0:39 is totally like Marshall's :] Deffinetly one of the best recievers ever. And since we have new movies about Ball and Priddy I also hope for some about Milllar and Lee! :) And well... Anderson seems promising to me and movie worthy aswell - just an ideas :P
Ryan Millar 13 лет тому назад 0
Hope someone will make new movie about Millar and Lee. They are both great players :]
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Hanes what you say is true of course but Berny suggested Wlazły to get 10kg more. In this case he will be slower for sure - believe me :P
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 13 лет тому назад 0
Well was lucky enough to see BRILLIANT match of Poland against USA live. What I'd like to say - USA players are just awesome people. Had opportunity to speak a little to Stanley, Priddy, Lee, Lotman and Millar and they are just AWESOME ?
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Stronger = slower. Don't really think he needs more streght anyway. You won't make me believe that guy who servers 125+ km/h and hits like that needs more kgs :)
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 13 лет тому назад 0
Well what made me really happy was... performance of middle blockers. Seriously - after 10+ years our MBs are not the most anemic hiters in the tournament :] And I really mean it. Don't get me wrong - I really like Pliński and his playstyle ?
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад 0
Well coming back to Cuba: http://aktualnosci.siatka.org/pokaz/2011-05-16-skra-belchatow-bedzie-chciala-przechytrzyc-rezim-castro

Article says that Bełchatów wants to get Simon and Leal and that there's a possibility that Hierrezuelo will also play in Polish league
Bulgaria - Poland 13 лет тому назад +1
Heh Bulgaria simply crushed us ^^ Will upload more matches Raylight? :] It's really nice to see some of them once again
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад +2
Here is something that might ineteres RevanExtasis... I'll translate the last paragraph of article that can be found here http://aktualnosci.siatka.org/pokaz/2011-05-10-nie-spodziewajmy-sie-hitow-transferowych

In general it explains why there probably won't be any super effective transfer to polish legaue but last paragraph says that there won't be such transfer but: "I might be able to get some player from Cuba but it's a secret for now" - says Grzyb (well known polish manager). It is said that he already signed contract with some Cuba superstars. He doesn't want to say anything more or give us any name because instead going to Poland your players would end in jail.

Hope it's true and we might really see Cuba players here :P
Bulgaria - Cuba 13 лет тому назад 0
Great match indeed but I wouldn't say it was the best one. Cuba - Brasil (1st match) and Cuba - Serbia were at least as good as this one :)
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад 0
Yeah it's as Nagor said I think - just an idea. But you can't even imagine how much I would like this idea to happen :]
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад +2
Ohh come on... It's just month for WL to begin and I was SOOO excited to see Simon, Leal and rest of Cuba team again... And now you bring this :| Hope it won't happen
I've heard that Bełchatów is interested in Horstink and Kooistra. Would be great to see them in Polish league ?
Angel Dennis 13 лет тому назад 0
Ehhh I don't get it... How is it even possible that Cuba have so many wonderfull left handed players (Hierrezuelo, Cepeda, Hernandez, Dennis... probably skiped someone :P) playing right now (bet there was maaaany more before) while I don't think I'd name more then one left handed player from other country (in most cases I wouldn't even name one :])
Dmitriy Muserskiy broke antenna 13 лет тому назад 0
Oo Muserskiy gra/ł na prawym a nie na środku? ^^
Robertlandy Simon Aties (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Yeah exactly what hanes said + Simon is also a showman and I can't really imagine someone who doesn't like him ^^
Osmany Juantorena (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
Hah yeah... You made so many great movies in such a short time that I don't even know what to say oO Just my 2 cents. It's 3rd movie about Juantorena. https://volleybox.net/osmany-junatorena-2nd-movie-m1084 - 2nd is here :] Not trying to point some mistakes - saying it just in case it matters. Pecae ?
Clayton Stanley (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
Dobry film. Mam nadzieję, że Stanley będzie w reprezentacji na LŚ i przyjedzie na mecze do Łodzi, bo jadę tam głównie po to, żeby zobaczyć właśnie Jego :) Nie licząc naszych siatkarzy oczywiście... :P
Robertlandy Simon Aties 13 лет тому назад 0
Wow - wondering how will newcomers play ^^
Mariusz Wlazły (6th movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Co tu dużo mówić. Filmik równie dynamiczny jak sam Mariusz :) A mnie osobiście bardzo cieszy, że po raczej nieudanych dla Niego MŚ nie odpuścił i wrócił do fantastycznej efektywnej i efektownej gry jaką prezentował np. na MŚ 2006. Znowu jest zawodnikiem, który potrafi przesądzić o wyniku meczu

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