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Zbigniew Bartman serve 121 km/h 11 лет тому назад +2
Yea I'd say Jarosz and Ruciak are our best servers ^^ I think Grozer at the end was plus liga was like... the best server of the world. Something like Stanley at te Olympics 2008
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
Yea I'll just quit responding here. Just don't think you convinced me ok? And don't say that Brazil cheated you in WCH cause you went on match with your 2nd team aswell. Of course Brazil made it in more riddiculus way then you but purpose was the same. See you mate
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
You're right again. I'm not saying they are the best. I'm 100% sure our team is capable of winning OG but so is Italy, Brazil, Russia or USA. But if someone says that Polish NT didn't achieve what they achieved on their own I just can't sit calm and not respond. I simply can't ^^
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
Yeah and most of us agreed to that champion. We're arguing with raylight now that stated Poland didn't actually achieved anything on it's own because our team always had some help (even from OPPOSITE teams - that one is really the best) which is both riddiculus and sad imo
Bulgarian fans in World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
We didn't play to lose - we went to court with our 2nd team. If you can't see the difference it's your problem not ours. And yeah... It's not like Poland won something. We were always given anything (yay you lost against Italy because of Poland not because Italy is twice as good team), wild card is quite a normal thing that was given to/bought by soooo many teams that I can't see reason you blame Poland for doing it. Ahhh wait... Of course. If Poland didn't buy it Bulgaria would get it and win world cup. So obvious... And again - we didn't win with Argentina (TWICE man - we got them TWICE) they just gave up because they saw how weak our team is compared to Bulgary and decided they'd give us bronze medal to make us happy. Now that's the logic!
Yosleyder Cala (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад +3
Revan... Can you please remind me what were you doing 2 years ago? To make it a bit easier for you I'll give you a few key words. Here they are: Simon is the best
Felipe Fonteles 11 лет тому назад +1
Nice. Wanted to see him in action :)
He's 206 or 208cm. I've seen both numbers in different sites so it's one of them probably :P
Cristian Savani (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад 0
Lol he's soooo much like Świderski ^^ My favourite Italian player without a doubt
POLAND WINS WL 2012 11 лет тому назад +3
Well Bratoyev was very close though ?
Michał Winiarski (3rd movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
He's in such a great shape now we could definetly have a new movie about him :P
AZS Częstochowa - Copra Piacenza (SET3) 12 лет тому назад +4
Lol I remember Piacenza's coach before this match saying "Poles can't play volleyball at all" :P He must've felt really bad after that ^^
Michał Łasko (4th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 12 лет тому назад 0
To be honest... You guys are denying yourselves. First of all you complain about movies about Poland (which shows VOLLEYBALL) and then you put movie of Stoychev talking ^^ Now this is some great action and not a fanatism or how raylight said "nationalism"
Arkadiusz Gołaś (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +1
Nom masz Adi rację :) Wcześniej nie zwracałem na to uwagi ale Arek w ogóle bardzo podobny styl do Roba ma i w zagrywce i w nabiegu do ataku (w sensie bardzo charakterystyczny zamach przed wyskokiem :P)
Piotr Nowakowski (4th movie) 12 лет тому назад -1
He's a high jumper with quite a strong hit but imo he's still not as strong as Bartman, Kurek, Wlazły etc :]
Poland - Brazil (full match) 12 лет тому назад 0
Unfortunately football is sport number one in Poland :P
Stoytchev and Kaziyski said "goodbye" 12 лет тому назад -1
Well... To be honest I can't stand Soytchev... I just don't like him and probably never will. What he did though is actually admireable. He said he'd leave NT if Lazarov won't resign and he did. He's a MAN for sure
Sofia & Berlin Last Chance to be in the olympics 12 лет тому назад 0
I hope for Cuba and France to qualify ?
Wow I like how your movies are geting a bit longer cause watching them is just a pure pleasure ^^ 1:54 is just perfect... Rezende reaction together with Winiarski... just perfect :)

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