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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 лет тому назад 0
we won the bronze fuckerssssssssssssssssss XD XD XD XD XD
World League 2012 Finals: USA vs. Poland 11 лет тому назад -1
we won the bronze fuckerssssssssssssssssss XD XD XD XD XD
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад -1
i dont know what happens in the match but one thing i can tell you, the CZE referree is a completely asshole, the last ball hit by leon again USA was clearly in, then back when the game was 22-21 he call a charge by gutierrez and i didnt see anything ilegal then i can see that he dindt correct his actitude in the game between poland vs bulgaria but i dont want criticize the bulgarian player because everybody knows that poland was the only team secure in the finals after the finals group, and USA well they only win because they have more experience than our youngers players and of course a little help of the refere, this year the good referres like Obor for me the best are focus in the olympics as the all fucking volleyplanet. anyways i will stay with poland they deserve that title and enter in the group of single winners, like cuba, usa and netherlands ? and im sure that this will not be the first and the last for him, as the 3rd place well is being so long since we win in belgrado the bronze medal against poland we fail for the 3rd time in the last 4 years to qualify to the finals and well againts bulgaria anything can happens. good luck for both team cuba and bulgaria.
Brazil - Poland (World League 2012 Final Six) 11 лет тому назад +1
hahhaha come ray you cannot quit, i mean a lose a lot of players every year and my team is not that good like back 90 but damn im proud of that younger man, they fight every battle so you have to be proud of your nt
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +5
atention volleyball-movies.net i think Dancho Lazarov discovered this website his nickname is SOKOLOV_74 ?
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
so arena armec empty hmm -.- come onnn there are at least 15 000 ready to see bulgarian team even whithouth matey and bulgaria make them feel proud
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
WE win fuckersss thanks a lot bell, leon , cepeda, gutierrez, diaz, bisset, fundora, quintana, Mesa, Fiel, Fundora and Estrada sorry brasil but we just made it
Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 лет тому назад +1
first was Osmanys XD and nor Mathews want to play for italy??? this is a love novel like a book

Go MathewsSSSSS and come on Osmanyssss
Mastrangelo to Fenerbache, firsttttttttttttttttt hahahahaha this new tem of fenerbache only have experient players damn
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +1
Renanz não podes dizer isso mermão brasil não tem medo de ninguem, não há rival dificil para brazil na hora certa isto já é a final, esquece a fase de grupos agora é quando brasil. transforma-se no campeão que é, espero que cuba tambem bote a bola no chão da polonia e tenha vaga nas semis
hahaha the teams are more concentrate in the olympics
Michał Łasko (4th movie) 11 лет тому назад 0
only to poland man he will still in italy nt
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +1
i only want say a couple of things, despite the great performance of cuba in the present world leage as everybody know we dont go to the olympics we are in obvious disadvantage for this final, poland and brazil have been time to rest and cuba has been playing whithouth changes until yesterday if we can beat any of two teams in the final will a surprise even when brasil its not that brasil that dont use to lose whith anyone, poland is favourite to win the olympics and also brasil whatever happens cuba over pass my expectations in the WL even when like i say dont reach the olympic dream
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад +2
rock city-you are search on youtube thats sonf is famous for a popular video of cristiano ronaldo
World League Finals Tickets 11 лет тому назад 0
so that means that if go to see the finals i will able to get a ticket for almost nothing???
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад 0
keibel gutierrez plays whithouth knee pads to, but cubans are not popular by his defense XD
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад +3
i have to agree whith saku there this page always was based in make movies for fun, you know i remember mi first movie was a shit but i enjoyed myself make it. now people wants perfection, right mussic, hd quality a lot of effects whatever after effects, vegas pro. whithouth slow motion and replay well would very hard for them make movies i like the old style and put the plays when happen the quality is horrible but fuck off i liked, but everybody has is own opinion here including the "steven´s spielbergs" and "james cameron" that we have here.
Serbia - Cuba (World League 2012, Kaliningrad) 11 лет тому назад 0
thanks a lot beto i was search the match for make a video in the end how do you find this man ??? you record this from your home or you donwload it in a website?
yes right michael jackson will come to visit me to but nobody knows is a secret.... comen dude thats impossible when cuban goverment leave thos kids play abroad free the world will be a better place for all us XD
Yosleyder Cala 11 лет тому назад -1
calm dowm dude this video was madem when he was playing in korea and that was a long time ago, he plays in the french league and also the serie A so he have a lot of experience compare to kurek he dont play in cuba NT if not he would be more famous.

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