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Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад -1
My dear countryman and man, I know that nobody hates Kaziyski, my question was just a way to tell everyone which are calling Мatey ironically "god" that this is not the way to offend raylight. Matey is not god as he is not the best player in the world, nobody is! Imagine you are Kaziyski and see this site and read so many comments against you just to offende some your country man who says you are the best in the world... it's awful. Raylight you should stop it!
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад 0
Tysia (and others) sorry we had little conversation in Bulgarian, we're just specifying when our NT is going to train in Samokov, because we had different information I think..
Anyway, no matches will be outside Armeets be sure.. there will be no problems.
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад -2
why you hate Kaziyski so much? Because Raylight is arguing with you and you have different opinion or you just hate him because he is bulgarian, or WHY?
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад +1
Еми добре, ама ако е само за 3 дена ПРЕДИ квалификацията какъв е проблема?
Извинявайте, но може да не съм волейболистка, но ми е ясна разликата от това да си добър в армеец и в самоков - НИКАКВА. Ако не играем добре, ни в едната, ни в другата ще ни е по - лесно..
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад 0
я ми обяснете на български каква е ситуацията,че се шашнах.
Това което четох е че след квалификациите за олимпиадата наште ще тренират в самоков..
световната лига там ли ще е?..
Zhekov need to practice, we will need him next year.
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад 0
I think there will be no matches outside Armeets.. where did you read there will be host matches in Samokov? I'm talking only about training..
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад 0
So what? I played basketball in Samokov for one tournament, the hall there is awesome..
I don't think it's a big deal volley NT will not have trainings in Armeets..
Our gymnastics are gold medalist, they deserve the best!
Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012 12 лет тому назад 0
proud, I read that the gymnastic is going to be at Universiada?
Volleyball-Movies.net in 2011: The Year in Review 12 лет тому назад -1
presentations about yourself will be with video clip, right?
'Igłą szyte' (Japan) - part 3 12 лет тому назад -2
thanks for the translation, now I can watch it.. you're so nice ))
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -4
Now this is getting too serious and we're offtopic now.. You liked the video, I understand, thank you. :D
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -4
our whole federation seems to be corrupted..
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -3
ghhahahhahaha diarrhea of the mouth.. :D:D:D Аз му викам словестно излеяние, но ето че имало и по - цветущ израз..
I thought they love me too.. you broke my dreams.. ;( ?
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -4
EEE! I missed the discussion.. I just had to sleep.. how could you! My opinion is gone.. it's flying somewhere in the universe... :D
'Igłą szyte' (Japan) - part 3 12 лет тому назад -1
I give 5! for the good emotions they're sharing with the fans! I'm agree with proud, every team should do this hehe :))
I would like to be masseur in trentino in order to massage Sokolov and Rado..yes I would ?
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -4
All is about money..
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад -4
We play in schools.. even I DO! (me - The basketball one!) :D But the football clubs belongs to very rich bisnesmans and..you have a lot of money there.. In volleyball.. ohh tragedy!

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