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Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
I'm so ashamed..
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +8
True! Congrats to Polska, I was in hall at the previous matches and met some great polish fans, they were so kind and what I saw today from bulgarian "fans" was just.. awful!
+1 for who_is_asking
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад 0
Sokolov, man.. I was trying to be polite, but.. YOU ARE STUPID as... the monkeys are smarter than you!
You know NOTHING for Bulgarian volleyball - NOTHING!
Matey Kaziyski playing for Italy ? 11 лет тому назад 0
Ivolley, stop with the bullshits and delete this rumor.... Whats your point in making discussions in which the news are lies?
Groups at the World League 2012 Final Six 11 лет тому назад +2
The circus is full! First - Rado.. it was sad.. second - Matey, it was tragedy.. thirth time Andrey.. now it's getting funny!!!!
World League Finals Tickets 11 лет тому назад 0
Lazarov: "I won't comment", "Betrayers", "I can't comment", "When to comment, now or later?!??!" "Stoytchev paid them, or Kaziyski, or Both.. I cant comment it"
World League Finals Tickets 11 лет тому назад +1
well.. the cost is between 5 and 25 levs wich is about 8-22 dollars.. ?
Btw really interesting.. only 200, 300 and 500 tickets sold for the last three matches from the group phase.. the fans will be outside the hall protesting and they will be more than the fans inside..
Congratulations to BFV..
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад 0
I said "Old style".. not - Old style.. you know the differance?.. Read Revan's comment I said.. I don't like the video becuase I don't like the music, and I've alredy seen all the scenes because they are from another movies.. Don't comment.. your will..
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад -1
Saku.. why did you get so angry?
Read Revan's comment.. I tottaly agree with him.. we are not forced to like every video.. as you are not too..
If you don't like the videos with effects "for kids" don't watch them.. I didn't watch the whole video /this one/ for example..

See this one..it's the "old style" video, but it's my favorite.. so don't think I don't like videos like this.. just this one..
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 11 лет тому назад -2
ааааа... awful quality..did somebody watch the whole 3 minutes?
Poland is 2nd weekend of World League 2012 11 лет тому назад 0
tysia, you're getting better with every new video :))
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 11 лет тому назад 0
Master, don't forget (I don't know if you know) 6 sponsors retired today.. now we have no sponsors.. How to push more..I don't know ... Tha fans are pushing, the players, the sponsors.. But you know.. the politics can't mess with the federation.. stupid laws..........
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 11 лет тому назад +1
I have santimentals to macedonian music.. "Ако умра ил загина" and "Булгаре глава дигнали" (which is macedonian) my favorites songs forever! BTW in this night sport news the ministery of phisical education is going to check where the f*ck Dancho spent 4million Levs, and why he made kids under 18 to sign contracts... Dancho is willing to be judged if he don't proove why when and where.. Dancho Dancho...Azis is waiting you in hell :D
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 11 лет тому назад 0
One of the best players but.. We don't respect him anymore :D .. Azis? Are you kidding.. Далииииии имаааа на овой бели свеееет, по убаво девойче от македончееее.. нееема нееема веке се роди, по убаво девойче от македончее.. Поздрав.. Azis should be killed! :D
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 11 лет тому назад 0
Master have you read the last interview of Vlado Nikolov.. If you're BG fan because of him you should be ashamed :D
Radostin Stoychev motivational speech 11 лет тому назад 0
Name it as StoytchevSKI and already macedonian..
Stoytchev and Kaziyski said "goodbye" 11 лет тому назад 0
MATEY WANT GANEV OUT TOO... the whole board.. Ganev is the VERY LAST "human" which can bring Matey back. He just talks and talks and talks.. He said he want Rado to stay, but he voted for his resignation, he said he want "Mateycho" to qualify us to the olympics and than "He can leave I don care" - HIS WORDS!!!!!..
He is stupid like a pig, believe me!
Stoytchev and Kaziyski said "goodbye" 11 лет тому назад 0
true, but Matey said he won't come back if Lazarov is there.. so you see the circle.. After all Dancho should leave.. nothing can happen if he don't..
Stoytchev and Kaziyski said "goodbye" 11 лет тому назад -1
The finance Minister is cheking up where all the money goes.. Rado and Matey didn't take it, be sure..
They said from tickets in BFV there cаme 400 000lv (or Euro I don't know) аfter the first qualification and none of them is declared.. something like that.. that's why the main sponsor retire..

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