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4 лет тому назад


Hitting Lines 13 лет тому назад 0
Heh... I guessed that :D But i thought that you were hitting on 2.35m net (junior height). It's nothing unusuall: everybody likes hitting a ball down to the court. I'm not good in compresing ball -it's good in normal match, but when you want to impress somebody it isn't. But once I have spiked a ball down to the court and than the ball bounced and get to the basket which was behind the court. It was on the "normal" 243cm net :)
Ok. Tylko jak to ma wyglądać? Że co roku grają w klubie, gdzie są nadmiernie eksploatowani i odpoczywają oraz leczą się na czas kadry?
Sada Cruzeiro Volei - Volei Futuro 13 лет тому назад 0
23:20-23:50 Oh shit!!!!!! What an action?!!!!!!
Yuriy Gladyr funny serve 13 лет тому назад 0
Of course it was a player mistake. Maybe rules are unfair, but that are the rules.
Yuriy Gladyr funny serve 13 лет тому назад 0
Probably he think that whistle on the crowd was referees whistle. If he would just let the ball fall on the ground he would can serve again- am I right?
Dante Amaral back row attack (Brazil - USA) 13 лет тому назад +2
Wlazły did something similar from the right wing, but that is a little better. I said some time ago: in my opinion Dante is the best from the back row. Awesome!
Dmitriy Muserskiy (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад +1
Ohhh... I've just reminded where I heard this music. I've watched "Brigada" some years ago :)
Dmitriy Muserskiy (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
Russia have luck that he is by their side :) Very good music.
Sesi Sao Paulo - Medley/Campinas 13 лет тому назад 0
Gelinski (Geliński) is one of the typical Polish surnames :) I guess his grandparents can be connected with Poland.
Sesi Sao Paulo - Medley/Campinas 13 лет тому назад 0
What do Gelinski do in Brazil?
Champions League 2010/11 Highlights 13 лет тому назад +1
Pozdrawiamy Panią z Kraśnika. Wreszcie ktoś z moich stron, no i jaki filmik :)
PlusLiga: Play-off round 2010/2011 13 лет тому назад +1
I hope Resovia would win the semifinal. I support them and thay would have probably very strong team for the champions league.
@Overlook: co do Zagumnego i Plińskiego to się nie dziwię, ale Winiarski i Wlazły lekko przesadzają. Skoro mogą grać teraz to dlaczego nie mogą w reprezentacji? A skoro ich kontuzje są poważne to dlaczego nie mogą teraz się leczyć? Nie zarzucam im, że mają to gdzieś, ale chyba w tym konflikcie interesów wyżej powinni stawiać cele reprezentacyjne, czyż nie?
Of course it's true that someone can't stand that training loads. But in the other hand they aren't going to rest during the club season. It shows that they rate their club carrer higher than national team carrer. Why? Maybe they aren't so patriotic or there are problems with Polish Volleyball Association (I think both of that).

In my opinion Zagumny and Pliński deserved the rest, but other players should taking longer rests during club season or just play.
Co do Bąkiewicza to... hmm teraz nie nadaje się na kadrę- z obecną formą. Ciężko powiedzieć na ile to decyzja samego trenera. Kłos to nieporozumienie. A Jarosz? Czego nie? Kto wg. Ciebie powinien być powołany?
Myślę, że nie ma zbyt wielu niespodzianek. Zaskakuje mnie tylko nieobecność Kadziewicza. Czy na prawdę znajdzie się w Polsce 7 lepszych środkowych od niego, czy może jest za stary?

Rozumiem problemy zdrowotne zawodników takich jak Winiarski, Pliński czy Wlazły i zmęczenie Zagumnego, ale Winiarski z Wlazłym (choć nie ignorują kadry) traktują niestety bardziej poważnie swoją karierę klubową niż reprezentacyjną.
I think there aren't too many surprises, but I don't understand an absence of Łukasz Kadziewicz. Is he too old?!

Of course I understand injuries and health problems, but regular absence of Winiarski and Wlazły starts to be annoying. I don't think they're ignore national team, but it isn't good when they are making more sacrefice to play in club instead od national team.
Best players of Champions League 2010/11 13 лет тому назад 0
Nagor... przesadzasz trochę- po prostu jest nie trafiona. Rzeczywiście żaden libero nie zagrał zbyt dobrze, ale chyba Rusek (Paweł :) ) zagrał najmniej źle.
Matey Kaziyski best spiker at CL Final 4 13 лет тому назад 0
So the reward has been awarded fairly ? Ok, maybe I exaggerated- his spikes were good and efficient in every match in F4.
But in the other hand- I think there could be players who has 100% efficiency in attack with one attempt. Isn't there any other criterias?

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