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Matey Kaziyski 2 aces in a row 9 лет тому назад 0
@raylight: Easily, with Matey's former team mate to begin with - Osmany, Zaytsev, Musersky, Tetyukhin, Wlazly, Stanley... Would add Parodi, but he lack consistency in general, not only serve since his injury unfortunately.
@HCLT: Oh Gosh... :D
@Michal: The only coach that actually goes for schooling is Kowal who went to USA to get some lectures at the Universities. I remember the case with McCutcheon, some coaches from lower league tried to defend themselves later saying they did't know he's coming because PZPS didn't tell them. I remember that media were taking about him coming few weeks before.
Zyta, seriously? There are still some people that give credit to Castellani for the 2009 ECh?

So far no sign of them, maybe they opened their eyes finally.

No one said Mozdzonek shouldn't be in NT at all, but certainly not as a starter.

Now back to Cureque, tell me, please, what makes so many fans believe he’s got something special?

3rd meter spikes, you silly!

But seriously I think it's just the case that happen in every country where some sport becomes more popular and certain team/player suddenly become successful. It's a bit like with UK and Andy Murray. Guy has really good level, won few tournaments, lately won Olympics, US Open and finally after 70 years of waiting this British ginger boy won Wimbledon. He's the man of the year and basically his fans want to expand unofficial TOP3 (Roger, Nadal and Djokovic) to TOP4 because Murray should be counted as as good as them. But is he? Compare his results to maybe not Roger who is much older but Nadal who is slightly same age?
So we've had Winiarski and Swiderski, but like I said their health were gone with the wind and suddenly here he comes, young hammer on the left side, hitting over the block and smashing ball into 3rd meter line. Everybody thought okay he has some time to improve his technique, but finally someone who has potential to be one of the best. You asked about Castellani, ECH 2009 is one of the secrets of Kurek's popularity, he was brilliant there until the final when he choked, but we could forgive him as this was his first major event and we've won anyway. And then whole boom around volleyball made him an idol among teenagers before they realized he doesn't improve his technique that much and during any major match we have a ghost rider on the court, not a player we expected to have 4 years after ECH09. Now I guess most of them is just blind, I mean those who won't let you say a bad word about him. We can still hope he will improve, he's still 25 and maybe Italy will help him more than Russia.
@HCLT: Don't tell me about Wlazly. I said I won't comment on "Wlazly vs. NT" case because you know my opinion anyway. Only thing I can say is that I think people like bitka keep thinking about Wlazly because he does his job in Skra for years. Bitka would take easy path but that won't sort our problem of no young killer-to-be for the next cycles anyway because no matter how Wlazly would be willing to come back and play and how good he could be, he is over 30 now and he won't last in NT for long, especially as a spiker who's not having Miljkovic's health.

And I think Michal meant Mozdzonek. I don't think Michal meant they don't have potential, but they have their flaws so they shouldn't be overrated too soon.

I guess it would be easier to stand mediocre setter if we had at least decent spiker. Kurek has his flaws and can't deliver in most important matches. Winiarski's health is gone with the wind and we don't have a proper opposite. Having a setter who maybe is not the craziest but at least his sets are accurate and with at least one spiker who will always deliver would be some base to start with.

and hired Daniel Castellani, maybe the worst move of the last decade in the world of vball. I guess we all remember what happened after that.

Thin ice my friend, thin ice! Be careful because some polish fan will come and say: "Don't you remember ECH 2009?!" So you better prepare yourself to answer for that one ?
@bitka: I just don't see Konarski as a killer. He can be good and reach some decent level as for international volleyball, but don't see him as our new master of disaster. I'm not going to comment on Wlazly at all. And no, it's not because I don't like him or so. I do like him as a player very much. @Michal: you made my day.
@HCLT: Wisniewski! Or just Wisnia. I think AA simply focused on Winiarski, who could be our Priddy or Murilo if not for his constant problem with back and previous arm injury. Winiarski was in better shape for a long time but in 2013 no one was anyway. Kubiak had his chances in ECH 2011 but once Winiar came back he was moved into the shadow. As for Antiga I don't know who he will count on. He knows Winiarski, they played together but he must know about his health a lot. And Winiarski is not playing now in Russia as well, got injured, maybe nothing serious but we'll see how long he will stay out of play.
@HCLT: Mika is playing on left-side, he's not middle. In the middle we have Nowakowski, Mozdzonek, Kosok, Wrona and Klos if we go for younger generation. No chance for Kadziewicz I believe. Bociek is a hammer, but it will take him a long time to be someone like Grozer, who still struggle to keep high level all the time. German NT has the same problem as well - to many ups and downs, but I don't mean they suck when he doesn't play well. They have players to lead the team when Grozer can't but they struggle to keep high level few matches in a row, remember ECH? BTW Kubiak could be like Kaliberda for Germany, if they let our Polaco play more. Even Alekno said that Denis is a key player for NT, not Grozer. Coming back to Bociek he is same age with Sokolov if I'm not mistaken, look where both are. Bociek can be future of the team, but not the killer we need, it's too late to base on him our strength if we would think about podium. If we won't think about it, I'll give him a credit. While Zibi needs to figure his situation out himself, because now there's no coach who will support him no matter what like AA was always saying (and yet he took Bociek for ECH). 2014 will show if both AA and Zibi were right about moving him to the right side. Kurek... the day he will deliver in the most important moment of the most stressful match I'll admit I was wrong. Apart from lack of technique his head is the biggest problem. And please, anyone, don't mention some series of serves against Bulgaria (which even desperate AA mentioned couple of time in his defense) during World League when this match meant nothing because we lost our chance to be in F6, because that moment all he played for what a bit of pride.
Michał Kubiak in The Olympics 2012 10 лет тому назад +3
@bartmannn: 4 medals and AA is shit? Go on then, find a better man, Castellani you mention in shoutbox, why not, guy got 1 medal for 5 events he was coaching our national team through. Such a great choice! Yet another typical fan of success: when they are winning coach is great, one worse season and the guy is shit. Your Zibi wouldn't be polish champion with resovia now without AA, so suck it up and thank the Italian for a change.
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 10 лет тому назад +4
Btw, how do you know that about Sergio? Don't you think he doesn't want to provide such information to the public?

Why? Because you would feel ashamed of place you lived in? Guy from favelas became a best libero in the world - great, inspirational story, don't you think? Perhaps you don't, money talking here. Who doesn't have it doesn't matter? Poor girl. I hope Bartman will get better fans, he deserves that, he's a nice, hardworking guy.
Russia - Bulgaria (full match) 10 лет тому назад 0
Good job with the matches, guys. Any chance for both matches Bulgaria vs Germany? Had no chance to see them? Maybe Bulgarians can help at this matter?
NightFox where Grbic is going? Or his wife finally told him to stop playing? (I'm asking seriously). And wait with Wijsmans, he won't leave Cuneo that easy, this place is his home after all.

Bartman girl, where in my comment did you find that I want something from you? I don't care about you, because I heard these fairy tales before, but the fact you spread them does say a lot about you. You have indeed specific habit of over interpreting peoples post. It's fascinating how many things you have read from my single-sentence comments. Calling me hater - go on girl, such a typcial reaction of a teenager fan who can't accept that other have different opinion. I don't care who Alekno takes to his team, I have all the right to not share his opinion about the player. Zenit could have better setter, but I wish zygadlo all the best, he is one of those few Polish guys who actually do well in Russia without escaping after few months (greets for Bartman! And yes, you can write another long comment how hater I am and how Zibi is the best - I won't care).

Words written in articles are not facts. These rumours will be facts once club will confirm them. Think about this whole story and you will see how stupid it is. If Matt failed in this season, how sure they can be he will fail in league but not european cups next season? And Matt is a smart guy, he won't let club do that, if it's not in his contract. they will have to let him go if he won't agree to stay there only for european cups.

They was disappointed by Vermiglio and signed Żygadło so quickly.

They were*

Żygadło after next season can be treated in the same way like Vermiglio because they find another setter better in their opinion.

And I AM too little to decide about Zenit's future? Guess Bartman can do that for club and Zygadlo... Such a powerful person! ?
NightFox who did they lose so far? Travica? Oh yeah, such a pain for Serie A!
This is a joke, why would you keep disappointing player to play in european cups only? These rumorus are riddiculous and I don't believe Matt will let them do that.
Zbigniew Bartman in TV Commercial (Okocim) 11 лет тому назад +2
Poland wants to be like all these western European countries... and when finally volleyball players are popular enough to use marketing to promote the sport and get some extra money like it happens EVERYWHERE in the world, in tennis, football, basketball, it's suddenly wrong. But if that would be one of pour football players you would say "he plays shitty in national team, but still get contracts and earning money in commercials?! that's so unfair, why not vball players?!" No one asks Djokovic what festival in Cannes has in common with tennis, everybody is happy he is there. Stop moaning and accept it - nowadays athletes earn real money on commercials, not in the clubs.
Poland Season and Tournments 12 лет тому назад +1
Do you know how to use www.fivb.org or www.cev.lu?
Where can I buy a t-shirt FIVB heroes? I'm sorry that I write this here but I think that anyone help me.

I don't think they are sell them at the moment. Maybe during some tournaments.
Giba in Polish League? 12 лет тому назад +2
Nagor to niech ten kolega zadzwoni do jego agenta, no chyba ze woli sie nie osmieszac, bo smiechem jego agent na te wiesci zareagowal. Po pierwsze Vivo/Minas ma mlodych szostkowych przyjmujacych zakontraktowanych. Po drugie Giba chce stworzyc wlasny klub, zwiazany indywidualnym kontraktem ze SKY bedzie mial ich za tytularnego sponsora albo ostatecznie wyladuje w Volei Futuro.
Giba in Polish League? 12 лет тому назад +3

Of course if any of this info in Przegląd Sportowy was true ?

Which, considering last year and Murilo "24 h" Endres, who few weeks later denied all the news, is not very reliable source. Giba is represented by huge agency in Brazil. If anyone is curious, my advice is to find it and ask them. But be prepared for big laugh ? Giba is coming to Poland for World League, so we need another reason to ask him if he will play one day in Poland, huh?
Giba in Polish League? 12 лет тому назад +2

Ok so we are talking about JW or Gibas salary in his country ? I think that GMC wrote it from polish clubs point of view.

Hey genius, to hire Giba other club has to offer him more. Giba is not charity foundation, unless he helps kids or fighting with cancer. When it comes to playing professionally there is no "You can pay me less". So no, it's not possible. It's not about 400.000, you need at least twice more.

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