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Cameroon's block celebration 9 лет тому назад +1
Aleksandar Atanasijević in season 2013/14 10 лет тому назад 0
undisputed leader of Perugia i think, he's going to stay there for next season - so many serbian friends there... :p
Lube Banca Macerata - Sir Safety Perugia (SET5) 10 лет тому назад 0
@Pallavolo: wow, thanks! i must have missed them on main side
Lube Banca Macerata - Sir Safety Perugia (SET5) 10 лет тому назад 0
if anyone has full game - please share!
i suggest turning off the sound :p
Polish team for 2014 year 10 лет тому назад 0
@vtnklmdc: about Kurek - i have an impression that in every match when there's some pressure, he fails and plays badly
Polish team for 2014 year 10 лет тому назад +2
Hmm... i really don't see it. of course i would like to see Poland winning but it won't be so easy

first of all setter: only Zagumny plays on some good (not great) level now. i was counting that Fabian Drzyzga may be our 1st setter but unfortunately he has too many mistakes to play as 1st

opposites: i don't see any leader. nobody who can lead a game of our NT. everybody are excited about Wlazły's return but he's not as efficient as he used to be in Bełchatów

wing-spikers: Kurek is not playing in Macerata, Winiarski has better and worse moments, only Kubiak is in a good shape but i'm afraid that his play may look different with Zagumny (comparing to Masny)

middle-blockers: they're not shining as they used to during last couple of years. many say that Kłos and Wrona are playing great in Bełchatów. maybe in Plusliga they are but match with Gubernia showed that with better opopnents there is still much to do. i miss Pliński both in club and in NT

libero: here i have nothing to say - the best were chosen
this bright light disturbes a lot
Best actions in Champions League 2013/14 Final Four 10 лет тому назад +1
thanks for leaving original voice - that was really good decision
Resovia Rzeszów 2013/14 10 лет тому назад +1
masterpiece! you can charge a lot of money for creating movies like this!
Sesi São Paulo - Kirin/Campinas (Highlights) 10 лет тому назад +1
why are they playing set to 21 points not 25? Rules are different in Brasil? :O
Poland - Brazil (Highlights) 10 лет тому назад +2
I remember that match, it was really weird... Poland playing like never before against Brazil, winning 2:0 and leading in 3rd set, suddenly stops and loses match 2:3... yeah, yeah i know they needed only 2 sets and many people had given that as a reason of losing but for god sake which player while winning with BRAZIL thinks "hmm, ok we won 2 sets - that's enough. we hardly ever win with Brazil so there's no need to fight any longer. eventhough i'm leading in 3rd set and might win 3:0... nope, it's enough"?! i have never heard more stupid excuse of losing a match :P EDIT: i forgot to add - great job Rostislsv! it was pleasure to watch your movie :)
Angelo Vercesi show (volleyball coach) 10 лет тому назад -1
@Koxiu: faktycznie, nie zwróciłam uwagi. sorry
Angelo Vercesi show (volleyball coach) 10 лет тому назад 0
that's not all - he's better here ?
@Zyta: @HCLT: yup, you're right about polish opposites. Although, I'm suprised that you didn't mention Konarski. He was great last season in Bydgoszcz and now he's doing well in Resovia. He plays more than Schops, eventhough coach rotates squad a lot. There's also another way - choose an easy path and take Wlazly. I'm curious what do you think about that about Kubiak and Winiarski - I agree in 100% with Zyta. Kubiak had his chances only when Winiarski had health problems, except that, it was Winiarski who was always put on 1 place. But since he's not playing in Russia right now and Kubiak is a truly leader in JW, maybe Kubiak will have his chances. i'm hoping for that
Kubiak was unbelieveable! He ended almost every ball - it didn't matter if it was from great or uncomfortable set. i'm happy that he's getting back to his shape, he's becoming a truly leader of Jastrzębski (not only in this game)
Xavier Kapfer (2nd movie) 10 лет тому назад +1
nice one! really good movie, lots of material, music which fits to the movie - great job ;)
Dmitriy Muserskiy fantastic spike 10 лет тому назад +1
i'm shocked - this replays are really good! :D
@hanes233: indeed! :D

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