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8 лет тому назад


Maybe but another thing is that Trento has such a cannons that a high-ball to left, middle or right ends up with point of Kaziyski, Juantorena or Stokr.
raylight I don't know if he has fans outside of Poland but I don't like his play. Too inaccurate, especially in the end of the sets and a serve that I don't know to laugh or to cry.
Piotr Nowakowski 12 лет тому назад 0
Kiedy grał z Woickim w Czewie to często wbijał gwoździe, aż miło było patrzeć, a teraz jest skuteczny ale mógłby też czasem grać efektownie, no i powinni go uczyć serwisu z wyskoku.
Best actions: VfB Friedrichshafen - Sisley Treviso 12 лет тому назад 0
Have you got a full match or do you know where I can download it?
Copra Piacenza - Trentino Volley 12 лет тому назад +2
Thanks raylight for the adds from Serie A
World Championship 2010 Highlights (5th movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
So will we see Simon ever again?
Luciano De Cecco 12 лет тому назад 0
'Monstrous' Posteiro :) but I would have assigned such an adjective to someone like Miljkovic or Grozer but I agree that Luciano will be awesome.
Luciano De Cecco 12 лет тому назад +1
Great setter, I love his play.
Bulgaria - Italy (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
I never heard of a serve past 130 km/h. Maybe it's possible with Molten balls but not Mikasa.
Bartosz Kurek in World League 2011 Final Eight 12 лет тому назад 0
@vtnklmdc oby tylko wszyscy byli zdrowi i w formie, a myślę że nie jest to nierealne marzenie. A tak na marginesie to jakby popatrzeć na USA to w 2007 mieli brązowy medal w lidze światowej, rok później ją wygrali i jeszcze w tym samym roku zdobyli złoty medal Igrzysk Olimpijskich. My na razie mamy brąz na lidze światowej, w przyszłym roku jest Olimpiada. Widzicie pewien wzór? :>
Bartosz Kurek in World League 2011 Final Eight 12 лет тому назад 0
'The best' is wrong statement because it's not measurable, but one of the best is correct cause there is a group of players outstanding from the regulars on their position. And by saying 'the same class' I meant characteristic of a player, it may be wrongly used.
Bartosz Kurek in World League 2011 Final Eight 12 лет тому назад +2
Reach is not everything :) Like Andre Nascimento was better than Vissotto who is bigger and catches the ball higher but wasn't as efficient as Andre.
Michał Kubiak 12 лет тому назад 0
Moim zdaniem powinien grać za Ruciaka, wtedy atak rozkładał by się w miarę równomiernie i myślę że lepiej zagralibyśmy niektóre mecze, a nawet je wygrali, do tego lepiej blokuje i broni od Ruciaka, a zagrywka na tym samym poziomie. Nie twierdzę, że Ruciak jest słaby ale Kubiak jest lepszy.
Bartosz Kurek in World League 2011 Final Eight 12 лет тому назад 0
For me he is now one of the best spikers in the world, the same class player like Kaziyski with very efficient spike and powerfull serve (he improved alot this WL) but weak reception. Only difference between them is experience and coolness in tough moments of Kaziyski, Bartek needs to work on the last thing.
What does it mean that the market is closed? Many times players joined a team in a middle of the season like Bruno to Modena.
To chyba jeszcze nie jest pewne z Kubiakiem, ja bym poczekał na oficjalne potwierdzenie ze strony JW, bo Polibuda też rości sobie do niego prawa.
World League 2011 Final Eight Highlights 12 лет тому назад +2
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Kk15 I forgot to add Italy, they can be dangerous too, but Spiker is the biggest unknown. We'll see if Lasko will be able to lead this team. Playing on three OH (Savani, Parodi, Zaytsev) like Piacenza wouldn't be a bad idea.
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
France can be dangerous if Ngapeth would return.

What about Miljkovic is he returning to the Serbian NT?
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Cameroon will surely win ECH!

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