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4 лет тому назад


Josh Barrina June 2011-December 2011 12 лет тому назад 0
Yes, nice video indeed ;) Keep playing and enjoying!! And...Have fun!!
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
@Sllaveq: sorry if i butt in on your Bulagrian Job again :) but i wanted to say something about "NT improvisations in important tournament". imo, sooner or later you must run this risk!! there's no other way! I don't think there is a tournament that suits improvisations (as you call them, i would say experiments instead) better than others! It only depends on coach's ideas and bravery. I mean, if you have a big problem with setter position, you can't waste other time. You should try other players (even enexperienced or very young ones) without paying too much attention of what kind of tournament you're taking part to! Sometimes inexperienced athlets can be surprisently effective when put under highly stressing situations! This is just my humble opinion :)
Trentino Volley - the first part of the new yearv 12 лет тому назад 0
let's wait and see ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 лет тому назад 0
@Wilfredo: yes, boy, i confirm!! I'm a woman ? (i thought it was pretty clear btw haha) ?
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
Champion: you didn't confuse me at all! On the contrary now everything is clearer to me! I agree with you when you say that " nobody should be guaranteed his place in the team. They all have to fight and compete with each other regardless what their names are and should be given equal chances". This is the only way to improve and get the best from what you have!! But sometimes Federations (not only Bulgarian one) are too blind or narrow-minded to see that!! Thanx for being so clear and complete in your explanation :)
Trentino Volley - the first part of the new yearv 12 лет тому назад 0
January 29: Macerata - Trento!!! This match's result will tell us a lot about the Scudetto imo ?
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
I understand. It's almost the same thing that occurs with Italian Rugby NT :(
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
Okay, i would like to bring the discussion back to a more serious level :) I read again a comment from champion and one passage caught my eye: "the stupidest thing is that no competition is allowed for the setter's position in our NT. This is the policy of our useless, money hungry federation in the last 10 years almost". Can you tell me more about that? Why no competition is allowed for setter's role? What does champion mean exactly?
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
ahahahah ray...5 stars for you :D
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
"Pears are not ordinary fruit"...right, and they're very tasty also :) But, ray, try to understand... I'm a woman and i prefer "pearls" to "pears" (if i can choose) :D
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +3
@Sllaveq: glad to see that you didn't forget the L in my nick this time :) I confess i was a little disappointed when you made me become an ordinary kind of fruit :D
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +3
@champion and Sllaveq: let me explain. My comment was directed to raylight 'cause once, in the discussion "Regular Season" (Italian Serie A), me and Kjieldhor were talking about something, and we did it in italian, and raylight left a post writing "What is this Italian Job here?"...so, i was joking...i was just echoing his own words...that's all :D Regarding Zhekov: i still don't know this player well enough to say something about him; i can only write again what i wondered in a previous comment of mine about him: i watched him playing with your NT and I liked him; but now he's in Piacenza i'm a little disappointed by him. Don't know who's the real player...let me watch some more matches with him and then i'll tell you my opinion :)
Bulgaria - Russia (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
And couldn't you share your opinion with the rest of us also?? :D
Trentino Volley 2011 12 лет тому назад +1
@tysia: I think Kjeld was joking when he wrote "I'm not from Italy... I'm from Palatrento", Palatrento is Trento's Sports Hall :D So he was just kidding....right Kjeld? You were joking man, weren't you? :)
Return " Igłą szyte" 12 лет тому назад +1
haha...yes Buti has a carreer in music industry ?
BTW all these vball players (italians, polish, russians and americans - have you watched the video with Ball and Kazakov singing xmas songs?? haha) deserve MTV Awards!!!
Trentino Volley - Marmi Lanza Verona (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
I'm pretty curious to see Trento playing against Macerata!! First match was 3-2 for Lube ;)
Return " Igłą szyte" 12 лет тому назад 0
okay tysia...if you insist :D
here it is another video shot by Travica during WC!! Simone Buti playing the piano (and singing haha) to celebrate Italy's victory over USA :D hahahah hope you'll enjoy that ;D

Return " Igłą szyte" 12 лет тому назад 0
My NT has such kind of movies (as you know) ? I can link more videos about them if you want ?
Trentino Volley 2011 12 лет тому назад 0
Kjeld: hehe...panegirico (nel significato "ellenico" del termine...non in quello italiano) :D
Return " Igłą szyte" 12 лет тому назад 0
hope i'll see Michal dancing again ahahah ?

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