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Matey Kaziyski vs the triple block 11 лет тому назад +1
It is too sad that Matey is not in the squad right now when Sokolov is a beast...Aleksiev is playing much better then other years and now we have Skrimov who play very smart in atack and it is good in defense.We would have more options on the position receiver but... :( Only the name of Kaziyski in the squad is fear for other teams so of course we miss him much.Also we miss Rado who is great coach and together with Camillo Placi they are great tandem.
Trentino Volley - Lube Banca Macerata (full match) 11 лет тому назад 0
Yes,Macerata misses Savani,but like raylight said Juantorena is not the player that we know in that moment.We will se what's gonna happen in CL and Italian championship when Savani is back. :)
"Matchpoint" Paris Volley - Montpellier 12 лет тому назад +3
Skrimov is very good young player with very high jump and atack.His reception is not good but still have a great potencial in future because he is only 21 years old.:)
'Bulgaria is ready' 12 лет тому назад +1
Live and health I will be in the hall and will support our team with full throat!!!Българи Юнаци!!! :) PP Great job again Sllaveq. :P
Long rally (Kędzierzyn-Koźle -Trentino Volley) 12 лет тому назад 0
Damn I made mistake and vote with 4 for this video.... :@ Great rally! :)
Trentino Volley - Bre Banca Cuneo (SET5) 12 лет тому назад +2
Trento seceed to return to the wins,after the lose in CL where they weren't playing on their usuall level.Kaziyski and Juantorena was a lot better in this match... :)
Bulgaria - Cuba 12 лет тому назад 0
Todor Aleksiev lost that match for me...2:0 is very diffrent than 1:1...Cubans were in shock and 3-rd game would be ours... :@
Arena Sofia 2011 Tournament Highlights 12 лет тому назад +2
The acoustics in the hall is incredible and against France when there was a set point for our team and when everyone stands and shout it was amazing noise...I can't imagine how players felt it on playground. :)
Arena Sofia 2011 Tournament Highlights 12 лет тому назад +1
proud I also was on the matches and I was amazed how good actually looks our new hall ! :)l But I wondering too when BNT1 will have 21 century cameras???The hall is much better looking than that you can see on this translation and even the new generation telephones can receord video in much better quality... :@
Matey Kaziyski (7th movie) 12 лет тому назад +3
Great job again NighFox! This video is amazing absolutely 5 stars! :)
Matey - The Emperor (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +5
He conquered the world on club level 3 times(with his teammates) and you say that he don't have an Empire?Yes maybe on national level he don't conquered the world yet,but we are proud of him and our team,because we know what is the situation with our sport here.For our little country to be in the top 10 in the world is amazing!
Let's hope that in Poland he will succeed to show his full potential and to play on top level for the national team,because the post receiver is our "Achilles' heel".
Matey Kaziyski high-reach spike 12 лет тому назад +2
I don't know how high it was but it was very powerful arm atack... :)
Tsvetan Sokolov (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +3
Ceco is a very talanted player and I hope he will become the secound Kazyiski some day. :)
Bulgaria - Russia (SET1) 12 лет тому назад +1
Yes,like we saw our missing players could be very useful for us on this championship.Salparov in reception and spirit,Nikolay Nikolov in atack(and serve),because Todorov was having some problems with the powerful atacks(I don't know why) and Bratoev to replace the big dissapointmend of our team Aleksiev... Let's hope that everybody will be fit for the next competition . :)
Matey Kaziyski spike 12 лет тому назад +4
Pause at 00:21,his waist is almost of the top of the net!!! :)
Teodor Todorov 3 aces in a row 12 лет тому назад +7
hanes233 Yes when the result is 18:11 Todorov serve 3 times in a row and the result become 21:11.In the clip Todorov makes 4 aces,but the first is earlier in the set and that's why they are 3 not 4 in a row.I had a bad day,and that was the reason of my harsh comment,my apologies. :)
Teodor Todorov 3 aces in a row 12 лет тому назад +2
qsek man are you blind?The result first is 9:4 after first ace than from 18:11 to 21:11 are the 3 aces in the row!
Bulgaria - Serbia 12 лет тому назад +3
30.07.2011 was the opening of the new hall in Sofia "Arena Armeec" with ceremony and this frendly match. :) Finally we have our modern hall which is very beautiful and I thing the choice of FIVB for World League F8 2012 is good.
Andrey Zhekov attack 12 лет тому назад +2
OyeaH ти какво очакваше,като срещу сърбите направи дебют и то пред 12 500 наши фенове?Нормално е,напрежението го скова,но постепенно показа,че има доста качества!Радо ще прецени,но мисля че трябва да го вземем на европейското,че Алексиев е с толкова слаба психика,че като не му тръгне играта се срива и трябва да има кой да го замести.

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