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Tischer goes to Fridrieshafen, that probably means that Jovovic leaves. does anyone knows where?
Bojic leaves Budvnska rivijera.
World Grand Champions Cup 2013 10 лет тому назад +4
I agree for top 4 teams.
World Grand Champions Cup 2013 10 лет тому назад +4
Henrique, we will see, but I think Brazil and Russia will take most off medals, and of course some off those teams that you mentioned will sometimes upset.
mate, you definitely need to start practicing with pronunciation off Atanasijević surname?
World Grand Champions Cup 2013 10 лет тому назад +4
of course HCLT. i forgot him. Rapha is little bit older, I thought on youngsters. I think next decade big battle will against between Russia, Brazil and sometimes Italy, Poland, USA, Cuba... and of course the new powers has coming such a Iran, Canada...
World Grand Champions Cup 2013 10 лет тому назад +4
Brazil for me plays very well according team changes. if I were Rezende I would not change anything for future competitions. Wallas, Lucareli, Sidao... new powers for new Brazil!
Volleyball sportswear and kit designing 10 лет тому назад 0
great. please continue with designing?
Volleyball sportswear and kit designing 10 лет тому назад 0
Itlay, Russia, Poland, Brazil, Cuba, USA, Holland Bulgaria, Belgium, France, Germany, Serbia...
Volleyball sportswear and kit designing 10 лет тому назад 0
yes, yes?
Volleyball sportswear and kit designing 10 лет тому назад 0
could you design NT jerseys?
Polish Plusliga 2013/14 10 лет тому назад +1
go SKRA, go!
Which continental championship is strongest 10 лет тому назад 0
Henrique, I think they are strong, but with wrong tactic and without some very important players ( Zagumny and Wlazly). do not very about Revan. he is very simpatico for me?
Which continental championship is strongest 10 лет тому назад +2
Joachim, Belgium of course. I was typing quickly, and I forgot. as you can see for example, I put Serbia at last place. sorry mate, of course Belgium deserve to be on this list, because they are officially among 8 teams in Europe?
Cuba change their sport Policy 10 лет тому назад +2
team from WCH 2010, plus Juantorena is winning combination.
Russia - France (full match) 10 лет тому назад 0
Russia plays great. I think they are unstoppable.
EuroVolley 2013 10 лет тому назад +3
samueleke, I was watched. very good game. Belgium has a lot of potential. Beside Serbia, that is one off my favorite NT. As you you know I always mentioned Belgium like team with a great future, especially in attack. if you regulate receive, in future you will take a medal, like your women NT. for example Deroo is in this moment one of the best attackers. he must improve receive, and decision make in some situations. he is only 21.
in Serbia team, Jovovic was great, Lisinac too. otherplayers nothing special, and I think that we do not have too many chances against mighty Russia.
EuroVolley 2013 10 лет тому назад +3
Samueleke I wrote on chat, I think Belgium will win my team ( Serbia). Kolakovic ruining Serbia with Kovacevic, Petkovic,Nikic and Starovic.
EuroVolley 2013 10 лет тому назад +2
main favorite Russia. than goes Poland and Italy. teams who can surprise are: Serbia, Bulgaria, France and Belgium.
SKRA want's Aleksa Brdjovic. Belchatow negotiate with Partizan. they want Brdjovic sign contract in 4 years.
uf group D... Very tough!
Atanasijevic stays home, he has little problems with injury. honestly, in this moment with full squads I think Poland is better, but for few years Serbia will have very competitive team. at ECH favorites will be Italy, Russia and Poland. Serbia will try to surprise.

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