[Declined] Adding player. Extra duplication check is performed

2020-03-22 • 1429 defa görüntülendi • 8 replies

From user prospective, it looks like the system performs an extra duplication player check when adding new one. 


  1. Add new player. Fill the first name, last name fields and move to next field.  The first check performs here. The existed player showed as a pop-up to user as possible duplication for new one. You hit 'No, it is not duplicate' and move further.
  2. Fill the birthday field and move to the next field

Actual result: The same pop-up with the same existed user showing again. 

Expected: It seems one check should be performed.


sitenoise 334 9
4 yıl önce

I'm not sure why I can't figure out how to like a post --maybe I should make a post about that :) -- but yeah, that second popup is a drag

Volleybox 440
4 yıl önce

Birthday is optional field. As I understood you want to execute only one check (instead of two): only after filling all three fields (first name + last name + birthday). What about users which are not completing player's birthday?

Vitalii LatyshAuthor 81 11
4 yıl önce

Even the users did not complete player`s birthday field, the duplication check have already been happened. There is no obvious reason why the system performs the same check after filling birthday field. 

Volleybox 440
4 yıl önce


Even the users did not complete player`s birthday field, the duplication check have already been happened.


Vitalii LatyshAuthor 81 11
4 yıl önce

@Volleybox At the 1st step in the Steps above

Volleybox 440
4 yıl önce

@VitaliiLatysh users are making a lot of typos. We are searching a players with same birthday and similar name / last name. Check sent after filling birthday is necessary.

4 yıl önce

hello I would like to create a profile for a coach how to do?


Volleybox 440
4 yıl önce

@DeranvilleGauthier hi, currently users can't add profiles of coaches (and other team staff members). For now only coaches can add informations about themselves.

It was conditioned by law, but we changed the approach to that issue and it will be implemented soon.

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