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For women's, USA and China are my favorites for gold, Italy, Serbia, and Brazil are candidates for bronze/possible spoilers for silver, Turkey is a possible spoiler for bronze. For men's, Brazil and Poland are my favorites for gold, with USA, Russia, Italy, and France as bronze candidates/possible spoilers for silver.

@AlfredoGavazzi well I guess it's going to be Stysiak vs. Van Hecke in Monza and Karakurt vs. Montibeller in Novara next season ?

@Ties very strong hitter, a lot of potential. Still young and needs experience but it'll be a good investment for the future.

@Ties Oh yeah, that's a good point. Although I don't think it'd make that much of a difference with Egonu there, but maybe Plummer could be a good addition if the rumors are true.

@Ties I think Eczaci is going to switch Thompson back to opposite this year to help Boskovic. She barely played this season because she's a bad receiver and didn't improve at all. I agree with @byruss Courtney is a good choice for Conegliano, with her and Moki they basically have two top-tier liberos on the back row so they won't need Sylla to receive or defend. And as a Fenerbahce fan I'm happy that we got to Fedorovsteva and Ismailoglu before Conegliano :)

Now that Monza has Van Hecke and Stysiak, which one do you think is going to be on the bench? I don't get why they decided to make that transfer.

Are there any news about where Stysiak is going next year?

@Ties i think it's going to be Popovic to Fenerbahçe, Heyrman to Eczaci, Chiaka to Vakıf, and Rasic taking a break (or retiring)