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Univercity of Economics
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4 yıl önce


Stoytchev & Kaziyski goodbye 12 yıl önce +2
Amazing movie Slaveq - thanks !
Fantastic movie and amazing player
Big coach !
If all the main players leave - they will have no other choice !
Lazarov has forcing bulgarian players to sign poor contracts or the threat were that he would stop their playing license. He get money of that. He benefit his club every time, because he has the major power in the volleyball (bg) and everybody are kissing his butt. Every man who stood against him has fallen, but it's finally the right time for changes.
I feel terible about Matey and Rado. Our team will be too weak against the other teams in the Olympics. But it's the right choice. Somebody had to stop this and Matey made the first step. That's our real captain - not some asslicers ...
Feel sad about Cuba, I was cheering for them. But Germany deserve it too. Big grow up from the team.
Waiting for tomorrow Bulgaria - Egypt if we win - we go !
Volleyball records 12 yıl önce +6
Ivan Milijkovic - most MVP rewards (I think)
Leonel Marshall - biggest jump (highest attack)
Bulgarian NT - Lowest psychological power
I think Juantorena and Kaziyski are both with 11 aces in one game
Grozer vs Sokolov
The chirson's movie about Matey :]
Petition 12 yıl önce +2
nice idea chirson
amazing ! It's very risky too. So fast back spinning is very dangerous.
chirson, I agree ! ?
"The last chance" 12 yıl önce +3
Amazing movie Sllaveq. Did you made it ? It reviels so many emotions in the fans.
Volleyball aces 12 yıl önce 0
2:20 - Why Vissotto was receiving ?
Canada - Brazil (SET5) 12 yıl önce 0
Amazing Schmitt
Disqualification is one of the baddest thing possible for the players. Don't be so malicious. I also do not support his behavior but that's the hardest choice of his life and he think he made a mistake. We see that it's possible for him to correct that mistake ... so he did. No doubt that Osmany is one of the greatest players ever and such a player do not deserve to be suspended for a wrong (sign) decision... not at all. He must amends for the fans with his play on the court.
Volleyball aces 12 yıl önce 0
132 km at the end. Amazing ! Nice movie ray ;]
Please translate - I don't speak italin (google translate i bad in it too... )
The monologue master ?

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