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São Paulo
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7 yıl önce


Awesome... The opponent's block does't mean much thing to this guy !!!
Great block, but not the best, at least not to me !! Or I didn't get the whole idea ?!?!?!?!?
OWw.... Fantastic video.. Awesome match !! Trento is always an spectacle !!
Volleyball is our passion, but football is a world wide "religion". It is easy to Understand that ! WHat is absolutely necessary to play football?: Neither a ball is necessary, as you can play alone with a fur ball, a small rock or with a crusehd canister. But try to do the same with Volleyball First of all, impossible to play alone, need a net, a nice fitted ball type, and of course, some where suitable to play.
Well, can't say that he is a genious, because his sets are "normal". But he has a pretty good technique !!!
AUHhuauha è Rachel, depois deste OSTRA, estou rindo mesmo UHauhuha Po, idéias eu também tenho umas fantásticas. Mas sou igualmente inexperiente com criação de vídeos
GREAT MOVIE... Grat job from the Creator.. NIce done !!!
Very nice actions !!!
Our league is Very strong too !! BUT, I must be honest, it is too away from the most of the Europe's Leagues, specially from the Poland League. Considering the quality and skills of the players, they're balanced, but the similarity stops there. The divulgations and the count of champs and events related to Volleyball are still to shy comparing with other sports. To exemplify, the only time when you're able to see a Volleyball Game in the free TV Channels (not cable) are with the National Team or the Final Match, rarely the semi-final, from the National League. In this kind of scenario, we can say that, to be a Volleyball's Fan in Brazil is a little bit hard task. !!!
" colitoarg @RenanZ But in the other side you have Fei and Ricardinho xD " Yeah, I know. This kind of powerfull balance results in a fantastic Match !!!
They deserved it !!!
Mas este vídeo está show mesmo !!! As músicas escolhidas são excelentes !!!
HEhehe Hey Rachel.. Sorte minha encontrar este vídeo, pois fazer mesmo não fiz.. Aliás, nunca fiz um vídeo, não tenho tempo, apesar de ter vontade !!
In my opniom, the best league in the World !!!
With a setter like Girbic and hitters like Nikolov and Mastrangelo, it is easy to figure out waht is gonna to be the result !!!!
Great.. Love to see the Italian league !!
Antonin Rouzier 14 yıl önce +1
Great Player [2] !!!
WOJT, Agree with you !!

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