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But Carletti played this year, because coach let Grbic to get some rest, so I think Baranek will play.
NightFox not yet.
Grbic will probably finish his career after next season [as far as I know, he has contract 1+1 still, for one more season and maybe another - it depends on his decision about playing], anyway Cuneo may see their future in Baranowicz.
Fortunato and Mastro staying for sure, with Sala I think they will change each other. Fortunato showed that he is useful in first squad and as a sub, he had good changes this year.

I don't think Roma will have enough big budget for IV=van and Nikola, also Nikola has valid contract in Cuneo.
@JRios so what you will say if I'll tell you these are Henrique's words about Ricardo? :) @kk15 I know! I'm still trying to find it! I you will find it, upload this.
What a young Kooistra :D
Oh no, Pajenk as a sub for Stankovic? Such a waste! But form the other side, maybe Modena will take Bjelica.

I want Sala in Cuneo I'm saying 'yes'! Mastro and Sala are great together with their emotions and reactions on court.

@raylight silesian dialect? ?
Baranowicz played as a young player in Cuneo younger teams, so they want him back now, to let him train with player like Grbic, till he has chance for it.
Bulgaria - Serbia 13 yıl önce 0
raylight and do you have maybe Brazil - France from this torunament? I couldn't find it anywhere.
casamodena I tried too, but probably you gave link with movie which couldn't be add to website, so as me, because there was no option "embed" which will give code to add this here. I found then same action from another user with option embed.
Oli4 Antiga finished NT career, but he want to play still in some clubs.
I thought Nikolov will first go for this treatment that NightFox talked about?
I bet Ricardo would appreciate that play.
Roninho ty się urodziłeś, by robić filmy. Nikt tak nie oddaje emocji turniejów i sportowego aspektu w filmach jak Ty.
rbk17 ta opcja jest w zamyśle Anastasiego od mniej więcej marca, bo Zibi na jego prośbę u Panasa w Wawie już trenował na prawym, grając później jednak jako nominalny przyjmujący, więc to "popisanie się atakujących" wynika raczej z tego, co pokazali w sezonie.
That would be great idea with Samica in Zaksa, he played before with Guma.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 yıl önce 0
But what he means by this? Because Stoychev can be pain in the ass for every team in Europe if you know what I mean ;-P

Btw, sometimes I wonder if Stoytchev would be so good with a weaker team. He is a great worker, and I'm sure he makes his players improve a lot... but I will be curiose to see if he can do what Gulinelli (almost) did with Castellana Grotte, for example, or Bagnoli with Modena

Me too.
Modena hasn't got weak players to say that he did something big from nothing, of course Bagnoli did great job if we consider how they struggled with Prandi this season and he finally sent Berezkho on a bench and let Kooy play.
I'm curious what Gulinelli will make from Cuneo next season and for how long, Flavio is a guy who can't stay for a long time in one place.

That's how it should be, you have to respect your opponent even if you think you're stronger, because you never know what's gonna happen.

raylight Stoychev made his homework for best mark, but I wouldn't say he outplayed Giuliani and his tactic totally, we can now talk what would happen if... but everybody saw that Cuneo didn't use their best weapons - smart serve and defense. If Stoychev would win with Cuneo playing with those elements [no matter if with Parodi or not, no one knows if Parodi would do something more with that great game of Trento], I would agree.
But what I can say about Stoychev - he is master of training serve. Kaziyski, Soko, Stokr or Juantorena have skills to do it, but look at Sala, he started to serve strong last season when he came to Trento, he tried whole season and improved it so fast - remember first set in the final last year? He was an executor for Cuneo in this first set. This season wasn't as good as before with his serve, except one match with 5 aces, but in the most important match he turned on "serve mode".
Serie A - V-DAY 13 yıl önce 0

I'm surprised that Bruno would say something so undiplomatic,brazilians are usually very tactful around the media.

I've seen this article and I have no idea why people say that Bruno said something like this, while president of Modena did it actually, not Brazilian. Young Rezende is intelligent guy, who take example form his father how to give interviews, no matter what he thinks about Stoychev, he would never criticize Stoychev if he know he may back to Serie A in the future and who knows, maybe play in Trento. Do you think he would screw his chances by something like this?

Well, we saw what happened with Modena, who disputed even the impossible balls and blaimed others for the same. We saw what happened to Cuneo who thought they can win with half squad against World and European champions. That was the best answer to all crap from envious people in different clubs

Envious you say? Maybe Modena, but Cuneo has no reason to be envious, they won twice in three battles against Trento this year - I mean battles for title. OF course Trento won the biggest one, but last year was vice versa.
But come on, stop treating Trento like a perfect club with no defects. I like them too, I appreciate what Stoychev do with his boys, but you're just exaggerating right now. You know that both matches when Cuneo sent half of first squad didn't change position of Cuneo, they still would be second in league, no matter which team would win and Giuliani said that before, not after both matches, that victory is not so important, so he decided to let his main players like Nikola and Wout get some rest before Italian Cup or in next match, when Parodi was injuried, Wout had injury already, he let Nikola to get some rest before play-off, also Nikola didn't play in couple matches before. They never said "we can win with Trento only with Parodi, Mastro and Nikolov", because they are not so selfish and arrogant to think like that. Everybody knows that to win with Trento, they must play in 100%, with the bets squad they can sent on court [Modena sent the strongest they had for this moment, because of injuries, not enough to reach the final].
When Cuneo won with them, they send the strongest squad they could. Do you know what Nikolov said after final of scudetto? "If you want to win with Trento, you have to send the best squad and everybody need to play for 120%" Don't you think is the best proof of respect for Trento?
Mastro maybe not jump so high anymore, but for me he is still great and the best MB in Serie A.

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