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Against Friedrichshafen,Trentino played only with 1 titular player(Riad)and even though they lost only with 3:2.Cvetan Sokolov(28 points)sometimes played better than Stokr and that is good news for Stoychev,who can rotate them.:)
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 yıl önce +2
Yes,it will be great if everybody write in English. :)
Both teams deserved to win,but our team made some stupid mistakes in important moments.Maybe this error by Aleksiev in secound set was the key moment.Matey made 1 ace when the score was 22-23 and his secound serve gave a chance for Aleksiev to counter atack.The ball was very easy,but he hit the net...24-23 for us and serve by Matey,when the cubinian players was very week mentally,because of our 6-7 points(i didn't remember exactly) comeback,I was sure that we will win the set and maybe the match,who knows...:)
Nikolay Nikolov is in this movie,not Todorov. :)But i don't know why the spike from Todorv against Holland is not in this movie. :( It is really amazing high spike...
Good win for Skra!Trentino middle blockers aren't in good form and the team have almost no block...Juantorea isn't in good form too,but I hope he will show his play soon. :)
camnow maybe his jump is the same like Matey's jump,but Todorov is with 6-7 centimetrs higher... :)
If he were healthy for the WCH I thing that maybe he will catch Simon on block with his jump and good block... :) We will see him this year with his club team CSKA in CL.Good luck boy! ;)
He is a very young and talent player,but unfortunately he had injury just before the World Championshi and miss the chance to fell the big competition. ? But i'm sure he will improve him self soon. ?
Matey is one of the best in the world,but on the other hand he is one of the most physicly loaded player.With his club Trentino he play in all club competitions,and his team almost aways reach the final.He is much better then last World Cnampionship,but then he played for Dinamo Moscow and had much more time to rest,because the season wasn't so tiring.So in 2006 he was on 100% phisicly ready for the World Championship,but this year he was maybe on 60-70% ready,because of the hard season,when he played 55 matches and after a little rest(maybe 20 days) he started to train with the national team... :(
RenanZ Silvano Prandi decide to give a rest to the titular players,and give a chance to the young players.It's completely normal,because the team were already qualified for the next round.Bernardo Rezende says before the match,that Brazil will play for the win.He knows very good,before the game,that Bulgaria will play with young players,so why don't he give a chance to his young players,and play for the win?
Matey Kaziyski 13 yıl önce +1
Yes in the Italian Cup Final 2010 he serve with 132km/h. :) In my opinion this speed instalation has to be in every modern european hall,it's very useful. :P
Matey Kaziyski 13 yıl önce -1
I'm sure i heard 126km/h from the commentator.Before this 126km/h serve,Wlazly has the most powerful serve 112km/h.This speed instalation in the hall it's very cool,unfortunately not every hall has it... :(
Matey Kaziyski 13 yıl önce 0
Matey with another powerful serve today against Poland in Hubert Vagner frendly tournament 126 km/h! :)
We more deserved to be in final round instead of Serbia. :( Yesterday the result would be diffrent,maybe 3:2 for Russia or for us...
RenanZ,yesterday i wathced Cuba against Italy,and the "towel boys" were called by the 2 teams maybe just 4-5 times .If you watched again our mathes,you will see that only yours team called the boys maybe 10-15 times.Don't you thing it's strange?
Yes,but it's difficult to keep your mind,when 7500 peope expect nothnig but a win.It's normal to call the "towel boys",but brazilian players do that after every bulgarian point when the difference was 1-2 points...And once again:Why they do that in the secound match,when they were already classified?Why they didn't play fair,like first two matches,when we play fair,without hold up?
Yes,I mean fair play... ;) :D
Brazilian team is the best in the world,but when they see that they can't win with fear play,they started to hold up the game.In last two mathes between Bulgaria and Brazil in Varna,before every bulgarian serve,brazilian players call the kids or they check the formation,just to nervous our team.In first match that was more acceptable,because both of the teams,were not classified for the final round.But in secound match Brazil continue to play this way,even that they were already classified for the final round...They didn't show fear play,which is not normal for the best in the world... :( Italian players also didn't show fear play...In secound match against Serbia,result was 0:2 for them,and after that they take out all titulars,and lost 3:2...:@
Brazilian team is the best in the world,but when they see that they can't win with fair play,they started to hold up the game.In last two mathes between Bulgaria and Brazil in Varna,before every bulgarian serve,brazilian players call the kids or they check the formation,just to nervous our team.In first match that was more acceptable,because both of the teams,were not classified for the final round.But in secound match Brazil continue to play this way,even that they were already classified for the final round...They didn't show fear play,which is not normal for the best in the world... :( Italian players also didn't show fair play...In secound match against Serbia,result was 0:2 for them,and after that they take out all titulars,and lost 3:2...:@
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET2) 13 yıl önce -1
Brazilian team is the best in the world,but when they see that they can't win with fair play,they started to hold up the game.In last two mathes between Bulgaria and Brazil in Varna,before every bulgarian serve,brazilian players call the kids or they check the formation,just to nervous our team.In first match that was more acceptable,because both of the teams,were not classified for the final round.But in secound match Brazil continue to play this way,even that they were already classified for the final round...They didn't show fear play,which is not normal for the best in the world... :( Italian players also didn't show fair play...In secound match against Serbia,result was 0:2 for them,and after that they take out all titulars,and lost 3:2...:@

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