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Bruno took whole team for trip to Modena, some of them tried to take flight back, but Anderson has stolen Wallace's passport.
And where's Bjelica in JW?!
Dear Bruno,
Serie A finished season and World League started already, your team need you, so be nice and get back from Modena.
Your sincerely,
Paweł Zagumny nice set 13 years ago 0
Typical Wlazly - change his anger for points, I like it ;)
my favourite action of this match.
I like him as a player and we have enough injuries in this edition of WL, that would be bad for Italy - playing in F8 without Parodi and Sava.
KK15 what happened to Savani? I read he felt pain in his arm...
Zygadlo had today not only vball, but also long-distance running... anyway good that he used Mb's in transition if he couldn't in first action. We have problem - no sub for Bartman, Jarosz got the chance tonight, but finished one attack and please let just no one tell me it's because he is a sub, I may understand if he would have problems at the beginning of being on court, but he is an opposite, he SHOULD finish attack on single or without block. For matches in Poland I would take Janeczek instead of him or maybe Gruszka will be ready.

AVE Kubiak!
Bravo Knipe for keeping on court Stanley, who played bad, definitely it wasn't his day. Bravo Suxho for set to Clay every ball, which he screwed, while you had Anderson on left.
Bravo Brazil for playing consistently.
I miss Bruno from Modena.
raylight I know you want us on second place ?
BTW why you changed your t-shirts? those green were great and now I see only "fake Poland"! ?
raylight if Rezende tell that Marlon if FIRST setter and his son SUB [it was in 2010], I prefer to listen him, than you. If Alekno say that Biryukov with his game deserved for place in FIRST squad it means, they have second squad and I prefer listen to him, than you and your excuses.

Anyway I feel bad, because first time in my life I felt asleep during match of MY team. Time for my excuses - everything because of Rican's mistakes, match was boring!
raylight EVERY team have second squad.
NitghFox we said the same last year "we will judge after WC - this is our main goal" and we all remember how it ended for my NT ?

Ananiev wouldn't beat alone Russia if he would be in shape. Nikolov and Kaziyski would do this MAYBE both together. Russia is to strong now to be crashed by Ananiev and let me rmeind you they played without half of first squad - Musersky, Grankin and Spiridonov.
raylight yes, because Ananiev had few years ago one good match against Russia it means he would beat them now. Can you read yourself?

Maradona of volleyball? :)
Bartosz Kurek vs Brazil 13 years ago 0
someone to chyba dobrze, że ograniczyłam swa wypowiedź, mogłabym w sumie zanalizować stroje prawie każdej drużyny :)
Bartosz Kurek vs Brazil 13 years ago +1
Po pierwsze kołnierzyk, po drugie bazarowo-odpustowy luksusowy ortalion wykorzystany do tych białych bluz. Okropne. Asicsy były najlepsze, ale adidasa też da sie znieść gdyby nie ten ortalion. Czesi za to nie mają juz kołnierzyków, ale im chyba te skrawki materiałów doszyli do rękawów, by jeszcze bardziej przeszkadzały, widziałam zdjęcie Stokra, to ma prawie do łokci te rękawki. Bułgarzy góra ładna, rzekłabym "trydencka", za to spodenki prawie do kolan :P Włosi nie zmieniali jest ok, fajne mają Argentyńczycy.
World League 2011 intro 13 years ago 0
Let him back from Qatar first!
Kk15 he did this before but with left leg during WL 2009, we have even here somewhere this video as well.

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