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The craziest thing about this last weekend may be if Argentina, Italy and Russia won't let win those teams any point. And count then ratio or sets!
oh David, it would be too perfect in this match with your 6 blocks, hm? You had to mess a little bit ?
Giulio Sabbi funny serve 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Kk15 I remember when Sebastian Swiderski played in Macerata and during 2009/2010 one tv channel made series of programmes about Poles in foreign leagues and they visited Swiderski in Lube, he said that if during training someone will serve under the net, he must bring snacks for whole team ?

P.S. IF the MB is effective, he iand the setter has played well. The setter knows exactly how much to use the MB for him to stay effective. Question of tactics. We didn't have two powerful spikers, to whom the block should pay attention, like in Trento, that's why there was always block against the MB when he spiked. They were effective in spite of that

What? Have you seen Yosifov in Roma? Uriarte or Paolucci know how to use him and how often, Zhekov should watch and learn. Anyway that may be tactic of Stoychev, I wouldn't be surprise as we know his tactic in Trento [middles played more during play-offs just because they had great form]. With Stoychev's and Zhekov's love to use middles they must be great pals ?
But Kaziyski is only human, he won't play great all the time... is it true Stoychev criticized him after this match?
I talked with someone, who is not Bulgarian but is fan of Bulgaria and she said opponents don't even jump to block your MB's during those matches, as Yosifov spiked only 4 times and reception wasn't that bad as Penchev covered 3/4 of court and to not set from 2nd/3rd meter.
I bet USA will win both matches for 3 pts.

Anyway the last week will be very emotional.
Jordan source?

Josifov with 3/4

4 times in match with 5 sets? So bad reception when Yosifov have been in first line or just Zhekov?
Bulgaria must win in two matches against Russia with one more point than Serbia against Argentina. Argentina still needs 2 points to be sure about F8, so they can even loose both matches but 2:3, but I bet they want to finish their battle for F8 in first match scoring 3 points.

What time Italy vs Korea will play?

Let someone speak about Zhekov now!

I can speak, but what do you mean?
what happened to Matey that he needs rehabilitation? backache still? Truth is, he has no time for rest, last weekend will be real fight between Serbia and Bulgaria for F8, as USA won today 3:1 with Brazil and in 90% will reach the F8. So Bulgaria must send the best players against Russia.

we are usually represented by gloomy men with stone-cold faces, so yes, why not

hahahha, true ?

raylight ok, Spiridonov is cheeky, but... he will get yellow or red card not my or any other team. Why should I care? Of course it may be annoying, but believe me there are fans who will show him if they like it or not, they won't be nicer at all.
Facundo Conte 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
volleymaster Vadeleux played as an opposite, as far as I remember because of Rouzier injury or whole season 2010 in NT.
Facundo Conte 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Huge plus for lot of materials and you didn't forget about leg digs ;) Song rocks!
raylight our terrible match, many errors.

Argentina had tendency to chilled after for example two won sets, especially against Finland. So they had lesson today "what can happen if you chilled after won few matches in a row, especially when Esko catching his form = Finland playing much better".
Argentina - Finland 1:3
Spiridonov says he has no complexes, because there is only one player better than him, his ex club teammate Giba ? yesterday he was nice as for he can do, in Russian league he got yellow and red cars about once for a three matches, sth like this. This is just how he act, his character - he won't change :-P
Ignaczak trained today with the team, so it can't be serious injury.
Facundo Conte funny point 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Nagor o źle dobraną nazwę, kiwka sprytna, aczkolwiek do podbicia.
Facundo Conte funny point 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
It wasn't funny point, but very smart tip ;) Kk15 in this movie sounds are a bit earlier, pay attention - crowd cheers before ball touch the court too. I have this match and referee didn't whistle before, because also Argentinean would react - turning to referee or sth.
Denis Biryukov 4 aces in the row 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
you may expect after two same serves that the third will be different, so maybe Koshikawa thought "this one will be strong" and Denis surprised him with doing... the same.
Bruno Rezende funny point 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Bruno joined Lucky Bastards Club :P
Marlon Muraguti nice action 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
volleymaster Murilo is a new captain of NT, while he is not playing and Giba is on court, Giba is a captain.

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