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We know, Dynamo can't go, as Zenit represent Russia on WCC, so Federation gave Wegiel wild card.
Argentina - Portugal 3:0. First and third set tight till second technical time-out. Unstoppable middles form Argentina. Arroyo played today and form second set Occampo, as something happened to Conte - his left leg, but maybe only muscle spasm or something, because he sat till the end of the match with coach assistant and doctor didn't even gave him ice. Besides Argentina played well without him, so there was no reason to risk and put him back on court. Another great match of De Cecco.
And Pereyra have birthday today, nice reaction of Argentinean fans for him ?
raylight but Zhekov always, well... almost always ;-) sets nice to opposites or Kaziyski, I mean count of sets middles.

Poland, how could you?

ahahaha, sorry dude ?

Luciano De Cecco one-hand set 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
JRios you dont understand his point, but let me explain you. He compared De Cecco to Falasca, because Skra wanted De Cecco for next season... as a sub for Falasca.

Zyta, you can't say that we can count on Penchev as our best receiver...He is playing in our league, he is far too young and unexperienced to be main player for NT

Exactly, he is young, unexperienced, he need to improve basically everything. So... Skrimov is the best receiver if we talking about reception and that's what I meant. Not your future [Penchev definitely can be in the future important player for your team], but now, today, this edition of WL.

Yes, Todorov 4/6, but I would focus on this 6, ONLY 6 in match with 5 sets, especially when Bulgaria awoke and Zhekov could use him. But I don't expect nothing anymore from Zhekov.

Today teams changed roles - we made more mistakes this time and Anderson went back from Brazil. USA need to take some points from Brazil, at least two matches loosing 2:3 and if we will loose with Brazil, welcome USA in F8 ?
Steuerwald blocking Kaziyski - priceless! ?

How much money do you put in volleyball?

raylight your players got mitsubishi for playing in NT, not mine ?

You have four good opposites, we have two, one refused to play in NT this year, another is after surgery, other doesn't play good enough, so we had to take left-side spiker. You don't have that much problem in reception as you think, you have Penchev and Skrimov, even I heard about him and I'm not follow French League, but your coach have chosen Bratoev who spend most of season sitting next to the scout0man of Trento. Skrimov has the best reception from your receivers and is very dynamic even for his 190cm, so sorry, no offense, but you make your own problems really...
Pipes in World League 2011 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Plus for lot of materials for movie!
Long rally (Brazil - Poland) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Good long rallies never enough!
raylight seriously stop talking about injuries all the time and finding excuses. Poland can't use Świderski or Gruszka yet, Winiarski and Pliński can't play because of their problems with health, our the best opposite in Poland probably won't back to NT even for World Cup, Zagumny because of his age and difficult season [injury of second setter made him playing almost whole year] is out of WL. We can't use our 4 or 5 the most experienced and best players. Have you ever read over here complains like you do with other Bulgarians? No. Because we play with what we have and support them, we see mistakes and good things. We don't looking for excuse.
Does Italian fans crying because there are no Valerio, Parodi, Mastrangelo? No. Because they play with what they have and support them, they are see mistakes and good things. They are upset when Italy loose, but not looking for excuses.
You're saying Ananiev or any other can beat Russia. So stop talking about this and let them show this. Words are not playing.

NXT me too! ?
it's nothing weird considering place where they played, the biggest group of Poles lives exactly in Chicago - something about million? when we played in USA in different towns it wasn't that good like today ?
Maybe that's why USA didn't play today as they can, maybe crowd surprised them.
Great match of Bartman, Mozdzonek and Kubiak, Kurek few mistakes, maybe worse the before or he doesn't have to be leader anymore, when Bartman and Kubiak play like this. Nowakowski welcome back. It looks like Kubiak took Ruciak's place in first squad, we needed someone with reception like Ruciak [maybe Kubiak is little worse in this case, but we don't suffer because of this] but better dynamic.
If USA want to reach F8 they have to win tomorrow, both matches with Puerto Rico and at least one with Brazil. To be honest I would like to see them on F8, every chance to watch Priddy playing live should be taken.

"I have a dislocation of small joints of the foot. I really have no idea what this means because for the first time I get this kind of injury" - V.Nikolov.

anyway anyone mentioned in article how long it will take? I mean to recover.
Luciano De Cecco one-hand set 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
does anyone have second match Finland - Argentina? I know it's on laola.tv, but I can't watch in country, when I'm now.

Zyta, I'd like to have you opinion about Travica? (because you were speaking about new generation setter). Do you (Zyta and anybody else) he is good? ?

Well, I treat new generation as guys under 25 yrs old - all those young, who play first years in NT's, old one for me are those guys like Zagumny, Valerio, Grbic etc. Travica, Petkovic, Woicki etc are the middle one ? Anyway in my opinion Petkovic and Travica haven't got to much luck for time in NT - both got the chance to be only a sub for such players like Grbic and Vermiglio. As difference between Petko and Grbic is huge, between Valerio and Dragan no. I haven't seen him a lot, but I remember he was crazy at the beginning of his senior career, he need more time to show it in NT as he hadn't chance before. I like the fact he use all players almost in the same level, not more just Lasko or Savani. And I really like his serve, probably the best server from all setters.

What exactly happened to Vladimir Nikolov?
Jrios, but what he can say? Can you imagine reaction of his father when he woud say "I want to proof I can be like Ricardo", even if he would say this to fans to show he really trying and fighting for their support, most of them will just say "You will never be Ricardo". He has support of his father and teammates from NT, especially those who had conflict with Ricardo, but until he won't understand he won't pleased Brazilian fans if he will try to be like Ricardo, he will make mistakes. And he is, with Grankin and De Cecco, the most talented setter of new generation, but he must just say to himself "Those who criticize me for not being Ricardo can kiss my ass, I will be just Bruno" and hopefuly in next few years he will get thousands of letters with words "i'm sorry".
Revan with cleaning shoes I meant your libero, not you.
You say Brazil need someone to replace Sergio? They won WC with different libero, so where is the problem?

JRios I talked about this also with Henrique. Bruno had never easy, son of Rezende, son of Vera Mossa, stepson of Venturi, he became first setter after scandal with Ricardo, his coach is his father, he is not genius like Ricardo, so fans blame him, remember every mistake - really nice, when fans from your country "support" you. Also he has been tortured by journalists after Ricardo left NT. Then Ricardo went back to Brazil... I only heard Bruno had bad season and everybody compared him to Ricardo. Then he went to Modena, reset his head, no pressure - Modena had many players with injuries, so no one really expected something big from them, especially when people who follow Serie A knew Modena will face Trento in semis. And he caught great feeling with team, chemistry back to Modena he present the world how amazing Creus and how good Kooy may be in the future, he was great there. He doesn't had to proof anything to anyone, he was just himself. And that's what he should do now in my opinion. Fans will always compare him to Ricardo, so he should show himself, not that he is as good as Ricardo.
chrison you made mistake, Casadei LEFT Modena, not go to Modena.
casamodena and what about Sala and Creus? Who will play in Modena with Bjelica?
"granpha Sergio"? many liberos, also your Revan can clean his shoes, he is still in the TOP
DisneyWall torture Wallace

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