
Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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Interview with Yosleyder Cala 11 jaar geleden 0
polish reporters are anoying, kurek have better reputation, one because he is polish and one of the star of that country and of skra in the past and second because he plays for his NT if cala do that im sure they would threat whith more respect, Great interview for cala saying "Im not Kurek, i am Cala" which for me is better XD
well when cuba start win tournaments lead by leon, simon and juantorena i will make cry
FIVB Heroes: Murilo Endres 11 jaar geleden -3
well hahaha after all russia have the god lucky because they were to only one point of get that silver medal, but is ok how many times brazil leaves russia in a ridicoulous situation??? and well brazil even now when they are playing like a normal team that win a loses like everybody and not like the aliens that they use to be deserves all the honours was the best team ever and even russia when is tall musersky or poland whith his fancy team dont will reach all the titles that brazil made so shut up bitches XD
the cubans maybe will play in brazil the next season, the cuban goverment have made contact, whith some foreign leagues like brazil and maybe this can work anyways this is the deal
ha......... ha.........h.........was so fun........... -_-"
that was a good day for kick some bulgarian ass hahahah, ask to the cuba national hero teodor aleksiev, he receive a gift for his contribution to our cause in the 5seth whith the simon signature ;) hahaha
simon is the best only for me, the people dont like simon for envy, we reach the secont place whith a team based in 21 years age, when bulgaria make that miraculous sometime talk whith me bitch, two 4 places in WL, 2 silver medal in the WCH and WGCH, 2 norceca titles and whith a diferent team every year and we still in 6 place ranking position, maybe we didnt make at the olympic but we prove 1000 that we are more best that bulgaria ohhh sorry i forguett mention that 3rd place in the WL this year againts Bulgaria and in his own home, so again shut up bitches.
where is the statics when you more need, for example in the italy game or russia game, the game is not basic in statics, if im wrong why bulgaria dont win anything, they have the best digger and the best setter and they lost, you can call you the best when you win something at least a medal. so shut up and Simon is the best ?
"How winners are made" 11 jaar geleden -4
hahaha tell that when they play whith his curse The Russians hahaha
Italian volleyball 11 jaar geleden 0
juantorena earns about 800 000 for season i have to my homework for know this
Volleyball in The Olympics 2012 11 jaar geleden -8
shut up punk WIlfredo, Juantorena and SImon are the best and shut you mouth... Sokolov and Sokolov are you kidding me ??? Sokolov didn play much when he was in Trento and you compare now with the Great IVAN, Please listen to yourself, Michael Sanchez Bozhulev is 100 times better than Sokolov of course nobody counts players that dont play for his NT here.
i will make mi comment and i know that anybody cares but this is the deal, anastassi have to wait all those nosenses, he knows that the pressure after win the shit WL will be big, but like the OG in the final only plays the best and poland is not the best yet actually was put in Nº4 of ranking this morning, they fall again like 4 years ago in the quaterfinals, but this time was russia that show how weak and young are the polish players, somebody say that poland is the new brazil of this decade and i tell you that any team would be brazil of the 2000s because volleyball is increase his level all the time and well, whith that mediocre team that lose whith australia and bulgaria damn thats what i call a big fail so my advice to anastasi is patience because will come bad days more than this in the future XD
this sucks
Shut up fool , you are another lawyer of wilfredo "the clown" ?? hahah i dont get it for real, people dont like wilfredo but then the "god ones" now dont want expulse him either, come on people is ban or not ban thats it.
damn man who are you??, a god damm priest????, forgive me well father for threat like a cheaper bitch, i wish poland win the gold medal in london i wanna see if you and all of your little´s white-red friend stay happy and shout your mouths for one time for all. P.S my words where all for Someone
shut up bitch take care of you own business instead criticize all the bad opinions that i have to say about poland team.
shut up Punk you are another blind polish fan , damn they are like ants walking everywhere
shitkowkski think that he is simon XD
if you wanna be the best, if you wanna be respected by all those shit you have to do that whithouth pain thats the path of champion and well is my opionion

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