
Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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World League Prediction Week 1 12 jaar geleden 0
but russia coach vladimir alekno says that will go to japan with a young roster based in those few playe that dont have many opportunities in the last WL finals, like the MB scherbinin or something like that XD and sivozhelez or again something like that XD, i wanna see berezkho play, he have been really bad since he play in the seria A and seeing how byriukov or Kthey take his regular place in the NT
World League Prediction Week 1 12 jaar geleden +1
Rusia-Serbia 3-0
Cuba-Japan 3-1
Rusia-Japan 3-0
Cuba -Serbia 3-2
Rusia Cuba-3-0
Japan-Serbia 1-3
and what do you expect about ganev, he knows that his federation is a shit but he dont is superman for save the bulgarian team hahahaha in the end the decition will be of matey, even the the bulgarians fans want it in the team, he is free to decide what is best for him, the bulgarian team is very young know, whith skrimov,todorov and anaiev, only zhekov, salparov,nikolov and kasisky remains as the former leaders of that team, to have a team you need team and finish the olympic cycle with the same coach no matter what happen or the results, and well bulgaria change one time, and even know they have problem so i dont see team for matey( a big winner) there
Its official Matey dont be will in the qualification tournament in sofia and will present his renounce to the national federation of that country
yes they are his daughters and of course sisters o FACU
this will be the ricardinho year, now brazil have problems with giba and murilo and they need younger player so have to come ricardo from the retirement for save the team, i say retirement literally this guys is in a good shape maybe not as he was young but he have some tricks
hi man calm down was only my personal opinion, remember you are talking with a person that born in a country with supervolleyball stars and his politics decistion makes that we play with a mediocre team so you not are the only with problems in your federation at least your players can play in other leagues -.-
beto mi hermano, hace falta que me des el link por donde ver espn + para mi esos tipos son los mejores comentando partidos de voleibol en america y en español, si no lo viste por internet y lo grabaste bueno graba todo lo que puedas de la WL que me gusta oir los comentarios de los argentinos de ESPN+
matey will gone of the NT so young??' oh man i was thinking that those thing only happens in cuba XD well matey have skills but if you dont win all those thing dont matter, the guy have to win something
congrats to italy, pearl te lo dije, italia tenia ventaja, i wanna say that germany play well and well they will the big rival of cuba in his qualification tournament like 4 years back, i will see if this time we dont screw up XD
dream bolivar will be hard this year hahaha dennis and giba what a duo XD
germany wins not because the bad shape of matey or the bulgarians fans and yes because the German stallion Georgy Grozer what a match by the german brother of Rocky Balboa hahahah
thats its the main reason that he should leave trento he needs a air change, and more titles in the end of the past CEV champions league when he was MVP in Bolzano in that moment OSMANY was the best player in the world but when start the world championship club 2011 i see something different on him, not was the same, and this year his performance was poor in comparison of 2010-2011, osmany need leave trento and he will do it, the other things are just rumours this page most part of the times is based in that just "rumours"
jajaja esto fue una verguenza de liga aahahha como 4 ekipos jugando entre ellos este año ni participaron las principales figuras
handan thats mean that if you leave your job for another one that pay you more you are a prostitute to ???
giba dont will go of brazil he are to old and when the olympics finished he will retire of the NT and play 2 more years in a club and will be for sure in brasil after that its done, he only come back to europe if they paid the same thing that paid for juantorena or mikhaylov i dont know how money have this poland club
USA in The Olympics 2004 12 jaar geleden 0
betovolley you dont have things about the cuban team or well even shorts videos are good
USA in The Olympics 2004 12 jaar geleden +1
priddy with hair..... that its to much awkward for me XD the stanley wild look and the millar surf boy style, i miss the old times XD
this was for me the golden er of volleyball, true legends today, that generation of players is hard to find know.
so you are calling the asians "any interference", its true that guys dont have the prototype to play volleyball in a high level, i if they get chance winning some matches 2 games after they lose again, the man asian volleyball for me is easy in the terms of blocks like for example gavin pass all the time. thats not funny

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