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Grandpa Nikolov rocks!
Quote (raylight)
Zyta, clearly you don't understand what I write. I am ceasing any dialog with you. I don't want to waste my time with nonsense and with people full of hate towards me.

you don't understand either, because I never said you underestimate Poland or have bad feelings about them. You just finding stupid excuse while you should accept fact in one match other team was stronger. "Noooo wasn't. it was just lower % in attack".
And I do not hate you, I just don't like the way you behave for a few months.

BTW NightFox i didn't say we were strong at the World League, I said AT THE MOMENT, the moment was MATCH, which raylight mentioned.
And I want to clarify, I do like Matey, he is a great and humble player, which I said last week and I admire Grandpa Nikolov, where "grandpa" is not mean, it's just about his experience. Cuneo without Nikolov is not the same. And keep working with Skrimov! Peace & love my other Bulgarian friends.
Quote (raylight)

I want to clarify some things here, because Zyta thinks I don't respect or appreciate Polish team because I don't speak loudly my good thoughts for it.

wrong. I do not expect any praises about Poland from you, but when I read such comment like "we didn't win, because Matey had 40% in attack not 60% bla bla bla evil forces etc". For God's sake, why do you think he had 40%? Maybe because of our good block and defense? Doesn't mean we were stronger in this match? I'm not afraid to say clearly that in match Poland - Bulgaria at ECh 2011 Bulgaria were stronger. And I'm not trying to find stupid excuse, I can live with this fact, you played better than us.

Quote (raylight)
In ECH and WL however, Poland wasn't stronger than us. Poland was not with full squad but had host advantage and good path towards semifinal in ECH. They didn't beat Italy or us then.

As far as I remember formula of F8 didn't say we have to beat Italy to be in semis, so I don't understand why you take this point about WL too.

Quote (raylight)
and did it without typical Messiah - Kurek or Wlazly,

I have two conclusions about this:
- you are teasing me now
- you don't read my comment properly and think you will get some points by saying sth like this about those two.

Quote (raylight)
They were better than our play during the year,

Quote (raylight)
In ECH and WL however, Poland wasn't stronger than us.

dude, decide what do you want.

Quote (raylight)
Poland had two faces - strong, but not great face in these two competitions

not great, but enough for bronze. I presume Bulgaria was stronger but not enough for bronze? Oh yes, I remember bad Poland has sent you in front of Russia. But then won with Russia. Yes, yes, Russians didn't care about bronze. Totally opposite to their game for bronze in 2009, eh?

Quote (raylight)
Anastazi did great job, he is good coach, despite being evil.

Mummy should teach you to not tease evil, otherwise you can have a sad year.

Quote (raylight)
it should have been gold if we compare how Poland played vs Brazil and how Russia played vs Brazil!

and yet you don't understand. Formula says who will win more matches will get gold. Two first sets beaut, but we've lost, so no, we didn't deserve for gold.

Really I don't care if you like or don't like Poland. I just don't like stupid excuses and I would react if you would write this about any other team.
Kaziyski with 40% instead of 60% in attack, Todorov played poor first two games, lack of experience, Poland with host advantage and Argentina too damn strong / and again tons of injuries /

or both opponents were stronger at the moment. But no, saying something like this? Mission impossible.
Russia in World League 2011 12 лет тому назад +8
Quote (fadel)
This coach has a lot of information

you think?
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +2
Quote (Sllaveq)
(I hope "pokój" mean "peace")

also ;-)

Quote (HCLT)
C’mon Zyta... Did you forget I saw you chasing Kurek to take a picture with him? You’re a Kurkofan!

That suppose to be our secret you bastard!
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +1
Quote (Sllkaveq)
zyta "perfect picture of how we see now bulgarian fanaticism." that does mean you're seeing Bulgaria only as raylight.. ?

I'm talking about fanatics, not about fans. We can back to this topic when you will see difference. To help you a bit compare proud and Raylight. Proud, although still a bit blind about Matey, has distance and respect to opinion of others. Also she reads and understand what we say. And I'm not talking here about knowledge of english but about literacy skills. Which Raylight does not have and you seems to not have too, no offense.

Quote (HCLT)
Perfect, Zyta! Now you’re my favourite “Polaca”. Glinka and Skowronska are behind you now. ;-)

BOOM! Hear that? That was my ego. If I would be ever someone's freak, I would be definitely Glinka's freak. The Queen is only one and that's not Gamova ?
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +1
Quote (Sllaveq)
why you hate Kaziyski so much? Because Raylight is arguing with you and you have different opinion or you just hate him because he is bulgarian, or WHY?

Quote (Sllaveq)
y dear countryman and man, I know that nobody hates Kaziyski, my question was just a way to tell everyone which are calling Мatey ironically "god" that this is not the way to offend raylight.

hola, hola! Wait! My goal is not to offend anyone. I do like Kaziyski, I think he is a very good player and good guy outside the court, but I used "god" with irony to show how Raylight's fanaticism looks like in my eyes. And remember I'm Pole as well, but I don't praise Kurek because he is Pole etc. I think I can see strengths and weaknesses of my team and I don't cry or argue when someone thinks in a different way and don't call Kurek, Zagumny or Winiarski the best or say they would not play as a starter in XYZ National Team. Seriously, who the hell cares if they would or not? They play for my country and it won't change.

Quote (Sllaveq)
Matey is not god as he is not the best player in the world, nobody is! Imagine you are Kaziyski and see this site and read so many comments against you just to offende some your country man who says you are the best in the world... it's awful.

Oh please stop, because I'm gonna cry too. Believe me, first of all he has no time for reading comments. Besides guy has distance to himself and in one thing I agree with Bulgarians here - he is very humble. So don't worry, he won't feel bad.

Quote (Sllaveq)
Raylight you should stop it!

Of course he should. His fanaticism and blindness reached the top and he can't see he is just silly right now. Matey, Matey, Matey, Matey, Matey. Bulgaria is better, better, better, even if they have less medals, oh sorry, as a NT only two, better, better, better. You have no idea how this affects on opinions about Bulgarian fans in Poland. And I'm not talking about those here who argue with HCLT in the same way Raylight does. I'm talking about more mature people or those who don't comment but read it. Maybe not today, but tomorrow or the day after I can translate for you one amazing comment written by Polish girl - perfect picture of how we see now bulgarian fanaticism.
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +3
Quote (HCLT)
I still don’t know why Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev don’t like you.


Thx dude, few more comments about me being smart and funny and my ego will explode ?
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +1

sure. who wouldn't change the concept for Kaziyski god?
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +3
Quote (HCLT)
C’mon Zyta, help me with this one. I just can’t repeat the same explanation once more. lol

someone called me?

One more time. Read it, remember it or tatoo it on your forehead if your memory is crap.
Remember that people like Giba or Rezende represent not only themselves or the team, but whole Brazilian Federation. They have to polite, sometimes use courtesy, they can't say "Kaziyski/Kurek/Anderson sucks". Such things can say only Poltavsky, because everybody knows how difficult he is and people will say "old, good Semen, haha". But when Rezende would say "Kurek sucks", he won't be welcome in Poland anymore. Some things you can't say to the public, in media. They can't say for example how much they hate Italian NT because of some players who behave like the best in the world so they don't respect others. Other can't say that at loud because they play in Serie A1, where players are fine, but when it comes to NT they act like gods of the vball world. You have to be respectful, no matter how bad you think about skills of some player. So when journalist asks again Rezende about this, Bernie takes let's say the most important in this moment player of the particular team and mention him. But someone who is key player in this team doesn't have to be key player in the other team. Do you think Giba would be a key player in the team with Bulgarian style of play? Or Kaziyski's skills would be perfect for Japanese style of play? And before raylight will open his mouth - yes I know, Kaziyski would be perfect for any team in the Universe, who cares he would screw all base of Japanese style of play.
So Kurek's case is the same like with chances of Kaziyski to play in Brazilian NT.
Luciano De Cecco in match Japan - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +4
oh yes, another reason to complain about Poles. Now Polsat hates Bulgaria cuz he put less slow motions than Argentina. NightFox of course the place from video italy - argentina is better, but that video was done by polish scout-man from place where scout-man were sitting during the World Cup, while this one here is done by amatour just behind the court.
Luciano De Cecco in match Japan - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +2
0:22 love it. 2:40 bam, camerashot!
'Igłą szyte' (Japan) - part 3 12 лет тому назад 0
K:Jaw play in russia s middle( I dont know what he mean ;p)

Musersky I guess ?
155 Volleyball Digs in 4 min 12 лет тому назад -2
For me that movie would be better if you would put only those actions which finished with point for the team who dug up the ball. Anyway I appreciate material you used ;)
Return " Igłą szyte" 12 лет тому назад +1
@ pearl this Zibi Cma is with Brian Thornton so they talk in english, enjoy!

USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +3
@ proud
I just complained that I've seen very little of Kiraly,like an hour ago

that's why I put this here ?

@ raylight nope, i didn't, but Henrique showed me this a while ago ?
You brought Satan in Poland for coach, don't try to be innocent now after the deal is consumed

did I say we are innocent? It's just funny to read something from YOU, while your tam tried to do the same in 2010 and than against Sesi, but, damn, another thing which Brazilians do better!
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +3
raylight you don't have to shout to be rude ;)

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