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Trentino Volley - Sisley Treviso (SET3) 13 лет тому назад +2
I tried to find this semi as well, especially because in 5th set Lube winning 7:4 and lost the game and I've seen only till fourth set, because I had to go out. But my friends we have to keep in touch during WL, maybe I will have something from polish webforums for you ;)
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад 0
Kaziyski? ?
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 лет тому назад +2
but he played in one of those matches?
he didn't want to play in CEV Cup? But if he will join Modena [which I heard], that's what gonna happen, he will play in CEV Cup. Kinda weird, because I bet he would like to play in European Cups.

Not even a word to thanks Parodi...

which club does it? Cuneo doesn't thank Nikolov, nor Lube to Valerio [except not eon website that he's leaving], nor Monza for Travica.
Yuriy Gladyr (2nd movie) 13 лет тому назад 0
@someone in my opinion Plinski was better, but not this season, now with his problems with arm he's playing worse.
Baranowicz played in Cuneo as a boy if I remember correct and Cuneo want him back, as he can be their future, also they invest in young Mulatero, who was in match squad if any of MB's had injury, but what happened to Rossi, who was fourth at the beginning of this season? I don't know. Also Baranowicz will be second setter ot NT now, as Berrutto prefered him over Falaschi.

I can't imagine Fei as a second.

And Papi going to Piacenza as far as I know.
Russia is World League 2011 Champion!!! 13 лет тому назад +1
Brazil will be still strong even without Murilo, he has more important things now than NT.
cradok probably not until Blain will be coach of NT...
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 лет тому назад +4
At WCH 2006 we met Brazil, France, Czech republic, Cuba, but not Poland.

so who won with you in semifinal at WC 2006? Trinidad and Tobago? I thought it was Poland.

That weak Italy won easily with your top France. Yes, try to find excuse now saying now that Czech has potential. Maybe has, it doesn't change the fact that it's your teams fault that they faced Brazil by losing with Czech.
Also you're so proud that you won with Brazil, Brazil won with Czech, so it shouldn't be problem for your team to beta them as well. Do you wanna play with me this game longer?
You're saying there's no sense in those tournament, maybe true, but look at Cuba, they didn't played like Brazil, they didn't sent subs on court and top libero and setter out of match squad and saying "we sent subs, but we wanted to win", they played from the beginning till the end in 100%, don't care about formula and they reached the final. Perhaps Russia, Bulgaria and few others should do the same.
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 лет тому назад +2
raylight yes champions on ECH were from weaker half, but we didn't choose our opponents on ECH nor on WC and I didn't blame system of WC 2010 for our loss. Poland failed because they lost with Brazil and Bulgaria and that's Poland's fault, so as Bulgaria that they get to this group, because of the loss with Czech and France - it's not difficult to beat them. Also Brazil is not guilty for your loss with Cuba, but your players are, you know they could win it. Why you complain that you met strong teams? What teams do you expect on World Championships? If you want weaker teams, take your NT Greenland Championships in Third League or sth. What's the different when you would met Brazil and other strong teams? If you want to win gold, you have to face them sooner or later and win, simple.
Casa Modena - Trentino Volley (Highlights) 13 лет тому назад +1
Nagor komentarz był dla Ciebie, jeśli Ty weźmiesz z niego coś dla siebie, jako radę czy wskazówkę, to super, a niech sobie inni minusują, przeżyję :)
Long rally (Casa Modena - Trentino Volley) 13 лет тому назад +3
Mania rocks! His dig of Stokr's attack with no block - amazing! and I love spiker on court at the end of this action :D
@grboco that was just my guess, no one, except Stoychev and Djouric knows on which position he will play ?

for sure in JW.
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 лет тому назад +1
come on guys just stop talking about this once again! what else you can say? nothing new! that's unofficial law of host - playing with weaker team, it was the same on ECh 2009 in Turkey, when weaker teams was on Turkey's way, but Turkey was weak, so they couldn't do nothing special, this time was easier for Italy. About Bulgaria, it's her fault to meeting those teams on her way, no one ordered them to loose with Czech Republic.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 лет тому назад 0
Teams haven't got any money prizes for cups except CL and if they would have to pay extra for organization of F4, they would refuse, that's why there was no F4 this year, but now when Italy would take it, it's very possible to make it, I bet our teams would support this idea.

about how selcet the teams for the tournament there was nothing, but I'll bet too it won't be 1-3, 4-6 etc!
I think it would be 1-12; 2-11; 3-10; 4-9 for sure, plus probably 8 in the first group, 7 in the second, 6 in the third, 5 in the fourth (I'm guessing)...

that would be fair.
raylight let's say Sala is going to Cuneo, Birarelli staying, Todorv is coming and Djouric as well, but what about Leonardi then? keeping him out of match '12'? he had more opportunities to play this season than Riad. I think that Djouric may be the second opposite.

thanks, Poznanski dialect rocks! [mine ?]
There's no rumours about changing setter in Trentino, so I think it's mean Raphael and Zygadlo will stay. They want only MB and sub for Stokr, because if he will stay, Soko is going on loan to play in first squad.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 лет тому назад 0
Kk15 but that idea about 4 tournaments with 3 clubs... how they will choose those clubs? Because I can't imagine situation when groups would be teams 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12... if you know what I mean.

about european cups... hell knows, there was no anymore f4 for CEV and Challenge, because those teams didn't want to pay for it.

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