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eRKa I totally agree that's your best production and one of the best and most professional movies I've ever seen by the way. Don't care about the voting- there's always a possibility someone in a bad mood will visit this site and give a bad mark to blow of steam. The same about comments- never write what people want to hear, just write the truth, what you think- that's obviously more valueable than some shitty pluses.
WL2003 Brazil - Serbia final... That was awesome indeed, a lethal tie-break. I was watching it in a caravan during holidays. Thanks guys for reminding me that game, I've got to see this once again. @Henrique true, I didn't want to blame Toshko over and over again, but hell yes- I'm quite sure Cuba wouldn't have risen in the 3nd set.
Great movie, that was the best match at this tournament for me- so much drama. My 2 favourite teams facing eachother in such an important phase (moreover both played fair from the beginning). Nikolov once again proved there's no block he can't handle, Kaziyski proved there's no block he can't spike over, but Cubans proved they'd grown up mentally. Hah, a nawet się zabrałem ostatnio za robienie highlights z tego meczu, ale przez to, że Ulead mnie zawiódł (jak zawsze) to sobie odpuściłem. Chyba muszę znaleźć jakiś inny program, albo zostać przy WMM.
Tsvetan Sokolov nice serve 13 yıl önce +1
That was powerful, I mean it.
Italian Supercup 2010 13 yıl önce 0
Mastrangelo po meczu zwracal uwagę na poziom zagrywki w meczu, a właściwie na oświetlenie... Żaden z zawodników nie czuł się dziś pewnie i nie ryzykował w polu serwisowym, tym bardziej, że każda z drużyn odbyła na hali w Turynie zdaje się godzinny trening. Było gołym okiem widać po reakcjach zawodników, że coś jest nie tak.
Italian Supercup 2010 13 yıl önce +1
Cuneo defense is simply demotivating... Congratulations!
Great game, miss that Mastrangelo's ridicolous jump. Still think that Brazil reached the most cosmic level in 2006. The team was so compact and the game system so polished up that Ricardo could actually close his eyes and that wouldn't have changed much.
Italian Supercup 2010 13 yıl önce 0
Orange Sport pokazywało tylko wybrane mecze (nie każdej kolejki), te zapowiadające się nadzwyczaj ciekawie. Na sport info sporo nie można było oglądnąć, dlatego zaskoczyło mnie w zeszłym roku, że to właśnie na tym kanale poleciał finał, ale to chyba tylko dlatego, że na głównym mieli ważniejszą dla nich transmisję.
Italian Supercup 2010 13 yıl önce 0
Będzie na EP2, ale Retransmisja o 22:30, bo leci Hokej. Na żywo pokazuje tylko Rai i szereg telewizji, które wykupiły prawa do transmisji z innych krajów.
Tsvetan Sokolov headshot 13 yıl önce 0
Chrison dzięx, tak podejrzewałem, że najmniej paprania jest jak się ma nagrywareczkę ;) A jeszcze takie jedno pytanie do doświadczonych movie-creatorów: czy wam też Ulead Videos Studio 11 wycina dziwne numery? Dopiero co go zainstalowałem, niby wszystko ok, zacząłem wyodrębniać akcje, ale gdy chcę otworzyć projekt to klops- za każdym razem wywala komunikat Windowsa i program się zamyka. Gdy chcę otworzyć pojedynczy klip, a nie cały projekt wszystko jest ok. Robię highlights z meczu, a nie chcę robić w Movie Makerze, bo choć jest bardzo łatwy w obsłudze, to podobno mocno kompresuje, a zależy mi na jak najlepszej jakości.
Todor Aleksiev block 13 yıl önce 0
"Henrique, dude, Alexiev was second scorer in Russian Superleague last year, from weak team." Can't deny it, but the problem is Aleksiev didn't play good in the most important torunament in this season. He had a great season in Lokomotiv and played a great World League, but that wasn't the plan. "The missed attacks for match point in the next set were more crucial." Bulgaria won the next set, what was so crucial? The truth is his mistake reduced chances for 2:0 score by 50%. If you assume every team has chances split into a half... THAT WAS CRUCIAL ACTION, which decreased Bulgaria's chances significantly. "You are right about the psychological aspect of the game, and that error had negative implications for our team, but this is team's problem, not Alexiev." Even you (subconsciously) admit that was an important moment. "Winner mentality means that you don't get distracted by such an error and win from 23:24 to 26:24." When you face such an unpredictable and furious team like Cuba, it's not about feeling confident yourself, but not to let them feel like that. I agree about their stamina. The reason is simple- Cuban league is a 3-week competition/camp. They spend a lot of time in the gym and don't have to care about injuries and overcharge that much, which are derivatives of intensive playing and lack in physical preparation. On the other hand they're not so experienced and calm in the international level, but as you could see in October, their special abilities can recompense that easily- that's mainly why I'm not that sure about their progress in case of the polity change anymore. Nevertheless I wish it came true someday, with all my heart.
Tsvetan Sokolov headshot 13 yıl önce 0
Pytanie do wszystkich, którzy nagrywali/nagrywają mecze: Używacie nagrywarki DVD czy łapiecie obraz z TV przed kabel na kompa? Mniej więcej prosiłbym o dokładny opis jeśli można.
Italian Supercup 2010 13 yıl önce 0
Jest- musiałeś przeoczyć albo wcisnąć złą zakładkę.
Have you ever seen Marshall spiking down from 383? Does Kaziyski always spike at 370 (or as measured in russia at 379)? NO. None of players always reach his maximum, I would say you can hardly point a player that ever did that during a match. Still when it comes to reach none of the Cubans get as freaking high over the net as Todorov, what doesn't change the fact that he can't be considered a star or a world class player- he's a very talented young player with unique physical abilities for now. "in the fivb website if you want to see how jump this '' Todorov '' well i think its not 383 there look like a 365 cm how i say in the beginning its totaly fake ." These stats are like 2 years old when he was 19... Yes we're adult, so you should be. PS: Stop mentioning Simon in every comment you write. He is f*cking awesome indeed, the best middle in the world and my favourite by the way, but everybody knows that. What's the point of writing "Good, but Simon is the best" under a clip presenting Dante Amaral block?
Todor Aleksiev block 13 yıl önce 0
"Poor Aleksiev, I felt sorry for him when he screwed his team in the end of the second set of that match against Cuba at the worlds. He still must have nightmares... By the way, he’s good, nothing special." Haha true, that's the most memorable action of him so far. What a waste.... having Kaziyski launching some heavy missiles behind the 9th meter line to take an advantage and then... gosh, I know he's only a human, but in such a moment that's not an explaination, at least not for me. That action made this match the most dramatic at WCH (in common with Serbia-Cuba semi), instead of a short 3:0 game for Bulgaria (probably).
Serie A - 11th round 13 yıl önce 0
Forgot to add it cause I got used to their retransmitions rather than live coverage, but thanks ?
Todor Aleksiev block 13 yıl önce +1
Aleksiev has ridicolous spike reach, I would say it's 360cm. He was the most frequently over block spiking player of this year's World League for sure, but he sucks in reception and can't keep base form through the whole season- not top (what's impossible for any player) but good enough to call him a class player. Nevertheless I like him. This block was really impressive.
Well going this way you can't say Skra is a 2-time bronze medalist of the Champions League then. Do I have to remind you the "formula"?
"This is not good for the Italian volleyball."

Maybe, but still Italy is 4th team in the world, while we were placed... ekhm...

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