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4 évvel ezelőtt


Kk15: I've been spending half day commenting "Juantorena's issue" here and elsewhere. I agree both what you and Kjeldhor have said and I have already expressed my opinion about it. Now, please, can we stop this discussion - at least here, there is a specific thread on the homepage of this site - and go back talking about our championship?? Please guys, please ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Don't worry goes first ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
See ya in live-chat then ?
Someone: okay mate, but you can't compare a song like "O sole mio" (Pavarotti's version is fantastic btw this song belongs to the tradition of Naples' "bel canto") with "Lasciatemi cantare" :( C'mon, we're confusing gold with lead hahahah. But the funniest thing is that in Italy we don't listen to this kind of songs like "Felicità" or "Sarà perché ti amo" anymore (thanx God ;) ) And I'm not going to say anything more about Italian music from now on hahhahah :D
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@tysia: hahahah...I like your sense of humor ? Really ? Seriously, I don't care who's going to win, I only care it will be a spectacular match ? BTW: my nick is "pearl" ...don't know who this "peral" might be ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@samueleke: Van Walle plays for Macerata but I don't know if he plays tomorrow 'cause i haven't found the starting six yet!

@tysia: I agree with you ? Let's hope it will be a nice match ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I'm interested in Trentino - Kedzierzyn mostly. But I think I'll watch all Italian matches (especially Lube's ones) ?
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
NightFox: maybe you're right! But he could have hit someone; such things can happen in a match (you can't predict where the ball will go when serving or spiking)...but he did it on purpose. This is the bad thing! I'm disappointed, I didn't expect such a thing from him.
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I really can't understand why he did such a stupi thing!! And dangerous also!! Had the ball hit the roof it could have changed its direction and gone everywhere. He could have hit and hurt someone doing this silly thing!!! I'm speechless :(
@Voxito: it could also be Italian, amico :)
I really can't understand why Osmany did such a stupid thing o_O It's nonsense.
I've read a brief article about the match on MRoma website... it seems that Matey didn't play the whole match, and Stoytchev subsituted him several times. I think he only played the last set entirely. If I know more I'll write it.
hahahhah Kjeld what a pity I cannot give 5 stars for that ? hahahha

BTW, have you noticed that the only two people commenting this discussion lately is you and I?? ?
Well, sorry for our foreign friends who don't speak Italian...the mystery will remain unsolved ?
How tall are you??? 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
volley: ask Berny...he's an expert on the subject ?
Don't know Kjeld. "Vincere lo scudetto" is more like "to win the championship". I think that in football they can say "shield"...but 1. i'm not so sure and 2. even though it's possible to use this word, i don't know if we can use it also for other sports. I guess ths is one of the biggest mystery of mankind hahahah ?
Poland in World Cup 2011 (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@Overlook: I can understand that...but...honestly, there are thousands of Italian Love songs which are better than this one :( "Incantevole" by Subsonica or "3 minuti" by Negramaro!! Trust me mate, I don't like Italian music much...but we've got better songs, really :D And I agree with you about Anastasi....what a pity Italian Federation let him go away :( :(
Damn it!! Trento doesn't need such "presents" from other Scudetto's claimants (btw, can you suggest a word to translate Scudetto...'cause I have no idea hahahah).. They are strong enough ?
Osmany Juantorena (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
@handan: what happened?? What did Osmany do in today's match with Rome???
@Kjeldhor: I started watching Ravenna- Piacenza but streaming was crap so I gave up! I've read that Ravenna won 3-0.

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