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4 évvel ezelőtt


Ouhouh...che batosta Vibo! I'm not sure about the translation but it should be something like "What a bad knock for Vibo" They lost 3-0 to Latina... honestly, after their hard-fought match vs Trento 2 days ago, I didn't expect such a "debacle" (25-21; 25-22; 25-14!!) ? I hope Kjeldhor can upload something about this match, 'cause I'm curious to see what happened!!
Osmany Juantorena (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Well I like both clubs and NT; but they are two different things! Imho, people usually prefer NT than clubs only because NT do represent a whole country whereas clubs represent only small groups of people (cities or villages). I give you my own personal situation as an example: I like clubs like Trento and I can support Roma or Macerata, but I'm not from Trento, Rome or Macerata. I'm Italian, so I would lie if I said that when my NT wins I'm happy the same way that when Trento wins. Can you understand? It's a sense of know. Everybody can identify in his/her NT...that doesn't happen with clubs! Or at least for me it's like this :)
Mmm...pretty impressive. You can't actually notice that at normal speed, but seeing in slow motion those hands and fingers flexing and bending when hit by the ball, as Kjeldhor wrote previously, almost causes physical pain :O
I haven't understood whether this discussion has been stopped or not. The huge writings here above suggests it might be...but I can still read new comments!! So,what's up?
Gosh...couldn't believe my ears when I heard it :O....I mean, with all the Italian music available, you couldn't find anything better than this? :( Next time, may I suggest you something from Subsonica maybe??! :)
Thank you Kjeld...the match I would like to see but I can't ?
Facundo Conte 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Voxito: if you go to the forum "Transfer 2011-2012" we have already discussed the matter thouroughly :D
Osmany Juantorena (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Uh..I forgot: 5 stars for the movie and I'd give you 10 stars for the music (if I could ;) ) :D
Osmany Juantorena (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
He's a terrific player! And the fact that we can't see him playing in Cuba NT is just an absurdity :(
Jakub Jarosz 5 aces in a row 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@raylight: Everybody thinks too much...I think :)
@bitka: "the hardest thing is not to create the movie but to satisfy users"....damned true mate :D
@proud: I still don't know...give me a few days to read some other "lies" then I'll tell you hahhaah
@proud: why should I stop, dear! I'm having such a big fun!!! Anyway, this timethe news it's true...but after all, don't blame me, it was Monza's fault... they were lying, not me ?
@champion: can't believe it!!! So I wasn't the only one ? At first, when I still didn't know Matey very well as a player, I also thought he was Polish because of his surname!!! hahhahahahh...thank you mate: what a relief you gave me!!! ?
Facundo Conte's destiny -episode 3: Facu is officially a player of Monza! hahahahah I knew it ? When yesterday I posted the link where they said they weren't interested in him, I added in brackets "at lest that's what the say"...and in fact they were lying ? uahahahah can't stop laughing ?
Volleyball mistakes (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
The meaning of this video: Okay, nobody's perfect :D
@HCLT: "Sicuramente non mi sono comportato molto bene diante di questa ragazza italiana Pearl. Escusa me, signorina, per favore."
Não se preocupe! Está todo bem! Você fala italiano, muito bem ? My portuguese is pretty bad, but I can read it and I understand when you Brazilian friends write your comment in your language.
Love and peace ?
40 years old?? Are u kidding? o_O
Why do you play volleyball? 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Berny: sad but true my friend... Italians mostly prefer football. ?
Another update on Conte's situation: things are getting pretty interesting my friends. I don't know if or how many of you have watched Latina v Macerata on tv or streaming, but during the match Alessandro Antinelli and Claudio Galli (tv commentators ) said that Facundo was released by S. Giustino for economical problems of the team itself; it seems they have no money enough, Facu costs too much and they can't effort such economical commitment! o_O Unbelievable !! Tell me this is just a joke please!!

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