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4 évvel ezelőtt


@Kjeldhor: uahahaha you did cut/paste from "pianeta volley" man?!!! ?

@raylight: Italian Discussion= Italian Users= Italian Job ?
Why do you play volleyball? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@NightFox: "I focused all about my education which I think was the right choice"...mate, I made the same choice ?
All Volleyball Websites (Part 2) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@Wilfredo: I'm glad to read you like the sites I "suggested"; and, yes, I find they're very good...the only thing is that their both in Italian. Are you able to read them all the same? Hope so ?

@Kjeldhor: this site you linked "volleyfans" is it good?
? Berny,'s the same for me too ?
All Volleyball Websites (Part 2) 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Berny, do you see the last two sites mentioned here above (pianeta volley and dotvolley)? Well they're both sites where I usually discuss of volleyball with others addicted like us ? You know, when you don't least you must talk about it ?
@Kjeld: adesso chiamo il mio amico e gli do una bella tirata d'orecchi perché son sicura che è pure andato a vedere qualcosa e non mi ha detto niente ?(
Why do you play volleyball? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Berny: You're right ?
Avantieri! Cavolo, non ne sapevo nulla o_O e ho pure un amico di Trento ?
Why do you play volleyball? 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
I started playing in 1991 (and I was veeeery veeeeeeery young). I started 'cause I had watched on tv the final of World Championship 1990 (ITA-BRA 3-1). That was the first time I ever watched a volleyball match and I fell in love with it. so after a while i tried. I only played in small teams that partecipated to school tournaments and stuff like that. Nothing serious. I went on like that for about 4/5 years, then I realized that I wasn't good enough at it, and I quit. Do i have any regrets? Yes, sometimes I do ?
Why do you play volleyball? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Wilfredo: yes, he is ? Berny, you don't mind if I answer for you, do you amico mio? ?
Ma quando hanno giocato? When did they play?
World Cup 2011 Highlights 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
WoW Sebastian what a great movie you did :) And you put OZZY as SoundTrack hahah :D Love ;)
ahahahah Kjeld ? Non ho ancora saputo se hanno sistemato dotvolley. Però adesso riesco nuovamente a postare i commenti; potresti ritentare per vedere se stavolta riesci a registrarti ? sennò mando un altro messaggio di rimprovero all'admin ahahaha ?
@Andrut: mmmm, let me think...Zagumny or Mozdzonek, i don't know. Maybe Zagumny (only because i like him better ? )
Thanx God this devastating ? WC has ended!! Now we can come back to our beloved "campionato" ?
Are you happy and ready Kjeldhor? ?
Congrats Russia: great team and great WC for them! And congrats to deserved much more than us ?
Uros Kovacevic headshot 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Poor Parodi :( he still has to recover 100% from his knee injury and in addition to that now he also has his nose broken :) not too bad after all...Simone' nose was pretty ugly :D
Marcin Możdżonek funny point 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
He must have trained a lot to spike like that :D
Emanuele Birarelli 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
@proud: he's not trentinian...he's from the Marches :D
@stalowiec01: I wish you to beat Brazil and I hope Poland will win this WC 'cause I'm rooting for you now. BUT you don't get the point: I'm not interested in a team who qualify thanx to someone else's fortune or misfortune. I want my team to qualify on the court, playing well and winning. As Polish NT does. But our guys are not good enough and, please, I really appreciate your words and oioi's ones too...but the truth is that your team is stronger than ours: mentally, phisically and tactically.
@ oioi: trust me mate, we don't have just the "setter problem"...the whole team is a problem. Sad but true. And I say it again: I hope Poland will win this WC...they deserved ?

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