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4 years ago


USA - Argentina 12 years ago +3
hahaha you caught me definetly might be right man...i really could keep everything for me hahaha :D
hush ray...don't evoke Berny :D
USA - Argentina 12 years ago +4
Well if we're not breaking any laws (you know i'm too busy...i have no time to go to jail :) ), problem for me. Jeff...a whale :( Bontà divina...still can't believe what i've read :O
USA - Argentina 12 years ago +3
HCLT: NOOOO, please don't tell me that :( Jeff...FAT??? Can't believe it!! Anyway, of course I do remember of Dvorak :) ... if my recollections aren't wrong (and they aren't, even if i was pretty young at that time :) ) Dusty was the first setter in Mediolanum Milano with Ctvrtlik ('s impossible for me to write this surname :O) while Jeff was in Parma; later, when Dvorak left Milan, Jeff took his place as first setter there ;)
My suggestions? Just a couple of things (and who's had the patience to read what I usually write here will already be in the picture):

1. Create a Section dedicated to Women Volleyball;
2. A permanent chat where users can talk in real-time whenever they want and not only when they watch streaming of the matches.
it's better to be clear, you know...with all this "love profusion" all around :D
USA - Argentina 12 years ago +3
@HCLT: almost all the names you mentioned played in Italy: Kiraly and Timmons (Ravenna), Ctvrtlik (Milano), Conte and Kantor (Catania), but also Castellani (Falconara), Quiroga (Treviso - among the others), Uriarte (Padova). :) I shall watch this movie when i have more time but, for the moment, i would like to draw your attention to 0:00:25...Jeff Stork (incidentally he also played in Italy, in Milano with Bob Ctvrtlik ;) ) ... when he was a baby :D
@raylight: "Henrique, you are my pearl now"??? It's no joke, man!! I'm the only "pearl" here :)
Mate, you must to be the most patient man in the world to do such a work :D And since I don't want to be banned :) by chrison, I'll give you 5 :D Btw, 2:04...lovely ;)
@tysia: ohdear...the picture is so small i hadn't recognize her :O
Grazie amico mio, very kind of you :) Comunque mi chiamo Mara, non Perla :D...Pearl è solo il mio nick ahah :D Non ho ancora capito come si inseriscono i quote...troppo spumante temo ;)
Grazie :)
@HCLT: Henrique scusa, ma come fai ad inserire i "quote" all'interno dei tuoi commenti?? Io non ho ancora capito come fare??
HCLT: i'm not jealous...but i'm a little bit sad 'cause i lost that "little treasure" that i had :( BTW, since you've got many videos about Karch, maybe you could upload some of them (or work with raylight - as good friends do :) - to upload 'em here)...please...per favore, per favore, dài :D
No, ray i've got nothing sorry :( Not anymore, at least!! I had some matches of him when playing in Messaggero (we're talking of almost 20 years ago...gosh :( ), but they were in old VHS and became all demagnetized now (don't know if the word "demagnetized" is correct...anyway they're unusuable :( )!! That's the reason why, a few months ago, i asked you if you could upload matches from italian clubs of '90s :(
KIRALY...KARCH can't imagine what yuo've roused in me, man!!! I had a mad crush on him (and Tofoli :) ) when i was a little girl :D
@raylight: i agree with Henrique; no need to be 200 cm tall to be an excellent volleyball player (of course it also depends on the role you play), 'cause otherwise Samuele Papi (1.89) or Matej Cernic (1.91) or Cristian Savani (1.92) are they what?? Freaks of nature?? :) Instead I agree with you in that: "If I see woman receiving hits I go nuts"...and i'll add to that also children. Violence in general is stupid, but violence against women and, even worst, children is simply intolerable.
@tysia: Merry Christmas to you :) and, yes...of course i remember :) Is it you on your avatar?
tysia, have you changed your avatar?
No fights today, please...I think we can all postpone our "quarrels" for a couple of days ;)

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