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4 years ago


My favourite...after Kubiak ;)
@Kk15: but have you ever asked why Italian Rugby NT is so popular?? I'll tell you why: as long as we have all those HOT guys (Parisse, Canale, Bergamasco bros etc.) making soft-porno calendars (Dieux du Stade) they'll have no need to win anything to be so famous!! :D

For those who have no idea of what i'm talking about :D :) :
I already wrote something like this not long ago. Anyway, I'll write it again. Apart those sports that aren't actually sports (like formula 1 or GP motorbikes) the most popular team-sports in Italy are (more or less):
1. Soccer (obviously)
2. Basketball and Volleyball
3. Rugby
4. Waterpolo
5. Baseball (i think...but i'm not sure)
@dyingflutsman: Aelinn is right. You can be the strongest team in the world but they're human in the end not supermen. Let's say they were all pretty out of shape tonight (starting from Juantorena), instead Zaska was very motivated and concentrated, played well and deserved to win. Of course, the match here above is definetely another story :)
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
@Aelinn: I perfectly agree with you! With such teams you never know ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago -1
So... Cuneo played well yesterday (at least I was told so, since i just watched half of the 3rd set), and Trento was simply awful tonight. Let's see what Macerata is going to do tomorrow (and among these 3...they're my favourite ;D ).
@Kk15: yeah I already knew about BJelica ? but even though Passier isn't so bad I'm pretty sure Roma is going to look for somebody else: the Australian kid is still too young and inexperienced for our league and Zizzo & Co. need desperately to win next four matches (and I agree with you, Monza's is the toughest one).

@casamodena: thanx for your explanation ? it's pretty clear I had misunderstood ?
Berny: did you watch Kazan's match? What about Vermiglio? Did he play?
GoodNight Little Berny...Sleep well and Sweet Dreams ?
We need songs! 12 years ago +1
Alice in Chains - "Heaven Beside You"
Iron Maiden - "Wasted Years"
Metallica - "Fight Fire With Fire"; "I Disappear"
Pearl Jam - "Even Flow"; "State ofLove and Trust"; "Given To Fly"; "Hail Hail"
Soundgarden - "Spoonman"; "Rusty Cage"; "Black Hole Sun"
Stone Temple Pilots: "Big Bang Baby"
Skunk Anansie: "I Can Dream"; "Weak"
Foo Fighters - "Times like These"; "The Pretender"
Hole - "Violet"; "Be a Man"
Guns 'n' Roses - "Paradise City"
Kjeld: casamodena wrote here (or was another discussion...don't remember) that he had some fights with his coach and there were rumours about him leaving Modena. That's why I asked him (I mean casamodena) some news about the matter ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
Interesting: so, we could say Bulgaria=Sparta ?
Seriously, I admit, I don't know much of your country (except Volleyball ;P). I would like to know more; maybe you, Proud and other Bulgarian friends could teach me something ? (I'm serious, I swear...I'm really interested).
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
Berny: Kevin who, incidentally, is also one of your favorite ;P

raylight: Bulgaria, land of the real men....mmm, didn't know that?? I always thought it was Spain ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +2
? raylight...we recently have changed our prime minister (thanx God)!! ?
BTW I didn't say I don't support Trento; I said it's not my favourite's pretty different ?
@raylight: please, amico mio, don't start all over again ?
@casamodena: mmmm, but has Dennis' situation been solved, or still there's some tension there?
@tysia: i never said that i don't support italian teams! Of course i root for them, even if, I admit, Trento is not actually my favourite one (but Macerata is ;D ).
@casamodena: if you want to read my opinion on the matter you can go and read the thread on the homepage. After saying that I'll add that you're right in both your comments, but I beg you...please...let's forget this "sad episode" and go back commenting our championship ? What about Modena's victory over Belluno? ?

Kjeld questo è il comunicato ufficiale:

“Sinceramente preoccupato per il disappunto espresso dalla M.Roma Volley per bocca del suo allenatore, questa mattina, dopo aver attentamente guardato il filmato dell’ultima battuta del match di ieri sera ho voluto sentire la ricostruzione dei fatti ed il parere dei miei Dirigenti, dei Tecnici e di Juantorena – spiega – . Ho potuto appurare che si è trattato di un gesto tecnico che il giocatore usa provare in allenamento e che alcuni compagni, a mo’ di scommessa, o di sfida, credevano lui non avrebbe mai tentato in partita. Da qui, certamente con leggerezza, considerando che si era all’ultimo punto, in casa altrui, e che proprio il suo servizio aveva creato la differenza tra i due sestetti, la decisione di battere “alla coreana”. Non c’è dubbio: si è trattato di una scelta discutibile che, calata in quel particolare momento del match, poteva essere evitata. Tengo però a sottolineare che il nostro atleta ha effettuato un gesto tecnico non proprio semplice e che appartiene al repertorio di pochi (non una battuta “da sotto” come ha scritto qualcuno). Mi risulta che, già sul posto, Dirigenti, Tecnici e lo stesso Juantorena, pur spiegando le ragioni di tutto ciò, abbiamo provveduto ripetutamente a scusarsi con Atleti e Dirigenti romani che, in questa, come in altre occasioni, ci hanno ospitato con grande generosità, a sottolineare i sentimenti di stima ed amicizia che, da sempre, legano i due Club”.

“Sento a questo punto di dover esprimere io stesso, in prima persona, le scuse più sincere a nome della Società, dato che per motivi di lavoro non ero presente al PalaTiziano – conclude Mosna – ; vorrei ribadire che l’episodio non voleva essere irriverente nei confronti di nessuno, tanto meno del pubblico della Capitale che ha applaudito e sostenuto le prodezze di tutti i protagonisti di una bella ed equilibrata sfida. Se fraintendimento c’è stato, però, di certo lo abbiamo procurato noi ed allora è giusto che Trentino Volley si prenda la responsabilità sull’accaduto. Ho invitato in passato e continuerò ad invitare in futuro i nostri atleti ed il nostro staff tecnico ad evitare ogni possibile atteggiamento che possa essere oggetto di polemica o innescare atteggiamenti poco consoni al nostro sport, caratterizzato da persone che si rispettano e stimano anche nel pieno della tensione agonistica e che sanno sempre complimentarsi l’un l’altro al termine di ogni gara”.

Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
@tysia: c'mon I was playing along with you ? I believe in ZAKSA's possibilities as well as in those of any other teams playing this sport. In high-level matches everything is possible! so, I say it again, I don't care who wins I only care for a good game on both side ? Okay?
@Kk15: Okay, that is something which interests me more: Sabbi's performance ? And, if I'm not not, Roma's starting six was with Zizzo and Maruotti as spikers and Gabriele played pretty well. Can you confirm that?
PS. Ti ho mandato un MP sul "fattaccio"...poi non ne parlo più ?

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