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4 years ago


Berny: you see mate?! always complaining about how poor attention is paid to volleyball in Slovakia...bahh ? Now go and celebrate...and shut up ?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
Macerata won 3-1 also the second match, an effort!! My impression lately when I watch this club playing is the same i have when I watch my NT: schizophrenic performances! No wonder, after all, considering that half Italian Squad plays for Lube (Savani, Parodi, Travica and Kovar). I'm only satisfy with Parodi's performance: the boy isn't still 100% but he's recovering from injury and improving day by day...and i'm so happy 'cause we need Simone at his best.
Polish League 12 years ago 0
Maybe some Polish friends could record something and try to upload somewhere ?
Funny serves 12 years ago 0
0:30 ...poor Giulio Sabbi ...that was his official debut with our NT and he missed his first serve :) ... and the following day he had to bring pastries for all his team-mates as punishment :D
Berny: Italian Women league is excellent. Don't be a male chauvinist and watch some games of girls too ?
Ehi, what's happening??? It's full of spam here!!
Jan Štokr (2nd movie) 12 years ago 0
Don't go OT boy :D
Jan Štokr (2nd movie) 12 years ago +2
Berny: what a headache you caused me with all these names!!! :D
I think it was Zenit's offer for Juantorena actually, not Kazyisky.
Łukasz Żygadło 12 years ago 0
@Kjeldhor: If you pay attention "ma sei un diavolo ragazzo" is one sentence, while the french part belongs to the following sentence and, incidentally, it translates that "Thanx" which is the start of the second sentence ;) WoW...what a mess...è proprio vero quando si dice che è meglio "se parli come mangi" ahahah
Łukasz Żygadło 12 years ago +1
@Kjeldhor: ma sei un diavolo ragazzo :D Thanx for your tip or maybe I should say "Merci beaucoup mon ami" since I opened the video as if I were a French ;) Anyway, I 've just seen the video on YT...the movie is good and also Lukasz is amazing but... the soundtrack is a BB's song titled "Incomplete" :O...was it irony??
Jan Štokr (2nd movie) 12 years ago +3
@hanes233: oh can you say's AC/DC boy!! I could give 100-stars only for the music :D I'm joking, of course...everyone has his own tastes!!! Anyway, Jan is like a weapon: jump, load, shot :D
They were fighting for the same girl :D
Łukasz Żygadło 12 years ago 0
Kjeld: you're not alone!!! I tried to watch it and I can't too :(
@arisley: and do you know the real paradox in all that?? Ex FIVB President Ruben Acosta is mexican ?
Maybe they changed too much compared with last year's team. Sometimes having so many great players gathered in a club doesn't necessarily mean that the team itself wil be successful.
I watched Trento v Cuneo and WOW what a match! But Cuneo was so annoying ?( I mean they started playing seriously only in 3rd set and mygosh if only they'd pay a bit more of attention and care to what they're doing when on court they certainly could have won today! They simply spoiled it all in the tie.break...which is uneccapteble with a club like they are!! And N'gapeth is a "beast"...but someone has to tell this guy that there's no need to use the "machete" on every single ball he spikes...sometimes "fioretto" is more effective ?
Gente non so che diamine succeda alla mia connessione ma non riesco più a vedere uno streaming da per lo meno 2 giorni. Ve la faccio breve: volevo vedere Vibo-Verona oggi, ma non ci riesco, perciò se qualcuno vede la partita potrebbe scrivere qualcosa qui dopo (non so se Kjeld la registrerà). Mi interessa sapere, soprattutto, di Barone (se gioca ovviamente). Grazie !

English version for our non-italian-speaker friends (and especially raylight ?):

Guys, I don't know what the hell is going on with my internet connection but I haven't watched anything for two days at least...streaming simply doesn't work no matter the browser i use... in short, i wanted to see Vibo's match today but i'm not able to, so if any of you can, please write something here after the game (have no idea whether Kjeldhor can tape it or not) ? I'm interested in Barone's performance mainly (if he plays, of course). Thanx in advance!
Berny: meeee?? what have i done?? ? i did nothing mate...really, i can't understand what you mean ? Btw, your nightmare is my sweet dream hahahah ?

Kk15: "Dieux du Stade" calendars are bought mostly by MEN, not women!!!....try to understand, girl ? And, yes i agree with you, let's hope our guys will do something similar as well...they could call it "Dieux du Sports Hall" haha
MyGosh what he did!!! As the tv commentator said... "SUPERGIBA" :)

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